
JAKARTA - Facebook will announce the official results of the presidential election of the United States (US) via notifications on each of its social media platforms. Later Facebook and Instagram will also upload posts containing official links from the results of the US Presidential Election.

Facebook spokesman Tom Reynolds said the notification would contain an official announcement regarding who the presidential candidate would win in the 2020 US Presidential Election.

"The company plans to show the name of the candidate in the notification at the top of Facebook and Instagram," Reynolds said as quoted by The Verge, Friday, November 6.

The notification messages will be sourced from the majority of national news outlets such as Reuters ABC News, CBS News, Fox News, NBC News, CNN, and The Associated Press in order to provide accurate information. Including the official results to be announced by the government.

In addition, Reynolds said Facebook will also stop false claims surrounding the vote count results in several states. "We are taking additional, temporary steps, to prevent this kind of content from reaching more people."

Reynolds explained that these steps were taken to reduce the distribution of content that the system considers misinformation and refute unilateral claims about voting. In addition, Facebook has also limited the distribution of live streaming related to the US Presidential Election.

So far the company made by Mark Zuckerberg, has banned 300,000 accounts from the group 'Stop the Steal' for echoing acts of violence against the results of the US presidential election. Facebook has also blocked a number of hashtags related to baseless claims about election fraud.

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