
JAKARTA - The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) wants to be able to utilize the superior talents of Indonesia's young generation in the field of technology. To be able to develop the potential of superior, qualified, and highly competitive young talents, BRIN held the XX National Research and Innovation Youth Week (PIRN) in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) on July 11-16 2022.

"This PRN is one of the initial events to see the potential of superior talent", said BRIN Head Laksana Tri Handoko at the Opening of PIRN XX at the Graha Bakti Building, the NTB Governor's Office in Mataram City, Monday, July 11.

PIRN XX Week was organized by the Directorate of Talent Management of BRIN in collaboration with the Provincial Government of West Nusa Tenggara. The Head of BRIN and the Governor of West Nusa Tenggara, Zulkieflimansyah, officially opened the XX PIRN.

PIRN Week involved 409 participants consisting of 102 teachers, 207 students from 28 provinces in Indonesia, and 100 students from the province of West Nusa Tenggara. Handoko said the implementation of PIRN in the regions is one way to identify young talents in the field of research and innovation in the future.

"In fact, in that area, there is a lot of superior potentials that if we don't come we won't be caught, so they don't have the opportunity to appear, so we catch them as research and innovation talents in the future", he said, as quoted by Antara.

PIRN Week is a scientific activity in the open field that is oriented toward research covering the fields of Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Engineering Engineering for junior high school (SMP) and high school (SMA) students, as well as supervising teachers.

The Head of BRIN hopes that PIRN Week with the theme Blue-Green Economy can create young Indonesian talents with quality, character, and competitiveness.

PIRN Week is also a form of government concern and responsibility for the development of scientific awareness in Indonesian society which is carried out in stages according to the times, thereby increasing the scientific competence of Indonesian human resources.

Meanwhile, BRIN's Deputy for Human Resources, Science and Technology, Edy Giri Rachman Putra, said the PIRN participants would take part in a series of activities such as research.

Participants can take part in training in writing scientific papers for junior and senior high school students in the fields of Social Sciences and Natural Sciences and Engineering Technology.

In addition, there are laboratory tours at the BRIN Marine and Land Bio-Industry Research Center (PR BILD) for teachers and students.

For student participants, there will be biological data analysis test activities and laboratory tours at PR BILD BRIN as well as workshops on Animation Creation and Science Education from Kok Bisa.

Associate teachers can also take part in the Local Knowledge Acquisition Socialization and Science Education Awards (SEA) from the Institute Toray Science Foundation (ITSF).

The ITSF SEA Award has been held since 1994 until now, which aims to stimulate science teachers throughout Indonesia to carry out creative learning that arouses interest and facilitates students' understanding of science.

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