
JAKARTA - Personal data leakage is still a problem and a special concern in internet security. Especially for online shopping platforms that have recently become targets of cyber crime.

According to the cybersecurity company, Kaspersky cannot be denied because current technological developments are increasingly rapid, making online shopping or e-commerce platforms a prime target for hacks.

"As our dependence on online shopping, e-commerce platforms and other ordering services increases, they will continue to be a prime target for hackers because these platforms often contain large amounts of customer data," said Kaspersky Managing Director Asia Pacific Stephan Neumeier in his official statement, Wednesday November 4th.

It is unfortunate that the incidents that happened to Lazada's RedMart service and other e-commerce stores go hand in hand with each other with the financial services platform. "The main conclusion is that cybercriminals do not take into account the time when they will act, when they detect any vulnerabilities in your system, as soon as they exploit them," he added.

While each data breach costs an average of more than US $ 1 million for a Southeast Asian business, the business will subsequently lose an additional US $ 186 million per opportunity following the data breach.

Kaspersky's Global Enterprise IT Security Risk Survey found 84 percent of Southeast Asian businesses did not spend more on building cybersecurity infrastructure. This includes conducting routine checks of any IT infrastructure hosted by third parties.

"With the increase in online activity, there is a stealthy move by cybercriminals. This is why companies and individuals have to raise awareness more than ever," said Stephan.

Stephan emphasized that users must always instill a sense of responsibility about how they handle digital assets in e-commerce platforms. Likewise, companies must strengthen their defenses to maintain the security of corporate and customer data.

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