
JAKARTA - You must be familiar with the term "Hacker". Hacker is a term for someone who breaks into a computer system. Hackers usually use those vulnerabilities to block system access, gather information, or gain access to more computers on the network.

Hackers can perform their actions anywhere, be it on a mobile device or a computer. As a human being who lives in today's digital era, the main thing you have to do is be vigilant.

What Happens to a Phone If It's Hacked?

Launching from Malwarebytes, Android phones are more vulnerable to hacking than iPhones, because Android is open-source and inconsistencies in standards when it comes to software development put Android at greater risk of data corruption and data theft.

However, that doesn't mean as an iPhone user you can take it easy, you have to stay alert because a cell phone hacker will use various means to access someone's phone and intercept voicemails, phone calls, text messages, and even the phone's microphone and camera, all without permission. or even the knowledge of the user.

If your phone is hacked, what happens is that the hackers can track your location, force your phone to send SMS to premium websites, or even spread their hack (with a malicious link embedded) to other people among your contacts, who will click on it because seems to come from you.

The method most often used by hackers on mobile phones is Phishing. Phishing, a crime that targets individuals or members of entire organizations to lure them into disclosing sensitive information through social engineering, is a tried and true method for criminals.

For example, if you get a short message that reads something like this: “Congratulations, you got a total prize of 50 million rupiah. To claim, please click on the link below”.

When you click on the link, you will be taken to an unknown website, and finally the link owner or hacker will get information about your personal data.

What will happen is, it could be that all your personal accounts such as email, WhatsApp, m-banking are compromised by the criminals, even worse if they use them for negative things.

As a consideration, you can tell when your phone is being tapped by paying attention to battery usage. Usually the battery usage will be more wasteful if your phone is tapped. In addition, the appearance of unwanted advertisements and applications. As well as your internet data that runs out quickly.

What if My Computer Is Hacked?

In addition to hacking cellphones, hackers also often hack computers. Maybe some of you still don't know how hackers can hack your computer. Before that, you should know what will happen to your computer if it is actually hacked.

If your computer is hacked, make sure you see the following symptoms:

Frequent pop-up windows, especially those prompting you to visit unusual sites, or download antivirus or other software Changes to your home page Bulk emails are being sent from your email account Frequent crashes or very slow computer performance Unknown program which starts when you start your computer Programs automatically connect to the Internet Unusual activities such as changing passwords

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