
JAKARTA - Since it was first announced a few months ago, there have been no further details about what Exoprimal will look like and whether the game can be played for free or not.

However, in his interview with IGN, Producer Ichiro Kiyokawa explained that it was not a problem, and said that Exoprimal is not free to play. "This is a full-priced release that will be available both on disc and digitally," he said.

In the same interview, Ichiro Kiyokawa told the unique story behind Exoprimal's story. "Instead of creating a game like Monster Hunter, where you face a single powerful enemy, we thought that the experience of taking on and overcoming large hordes of enemies had both appeal and potential to form the basis of a new IP," he explained.

Continuing his words, Kiyokaya thought that it would be great to share that experience with others online, thus the basic concept of Exoprimal was born.

After completing his gameplay concept, Hiraoka continues that dinosaurs are the first ideas that come to mind for the enemies you will face. "I thought it would be fun to experience the most terrifying predatory threats in history, and if there were hundreds or thousands of them it would be of an intensity never seen before," Hiraoka continued.

Exoprimal is a game where five players in futuristic Exosuits face off against a herd of dinosaurs. To answer players' doubts regarding Exoprimal's relationship with Capcom's previous dinosaur game, Dino Crisis, director Takuro Hiraoka answered clearly that Exoprimal has nothing to do with Dino Crisis.

Exoprimal is a PvPvE game, which puts teams of competing players into an arena with dinosaurs. Exoprimal is slated to arrive in 2023 for PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One. It was announced in March, and got a new gameplay trailer today confirming that the game will get a closed network test before release.

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