
JAKARTA - NASA has just released a new free Xbox game on the Microsoft Store. Dubbed To The Moon and Beyond, the game launches for Xbox Series X | S and Xbox One.

To The Moon and Beyond is a single-player card-based game. Where the player's goal is to manage and build their own space program to safely send humans to the Moon and establish a permanent Moon habitat.

Players will be offered the choice of research on the International Space Station (ISS), or choose between projects that are reinvested on Earth, while trying to develop their own space program at the minimum possible cost.

They also have to deal with random events that threaten to increase the players' spacefaring initiative. Between building rockets, inventions, and space suits, they'll try to complete eight mission-critical objectives before time runs out.

Completing 11 missions will give players a total of 1000 gamerscores offered here, so this game might help add players' Microsoft Rewards points.

Launching TechRadar, Thursday, June 9, everything looks very simple and certainly doesn't have any complexity in other space-themed games like Kerbal Space Program.

The game is part of edutainment, full of links to online NASA articles so players can learn about contemporary flight techniques.

Actually, this is not the first time the game has been launched. To The Moon and Beyond was originally released for iOS and Android devices in 2020.

In addition, NASA is also not a new player in the development of video games with its partners. The space agency previously worked with developer Vision Videogames to create the space station manager SpaceStationSim 2005.

The partnership lent technical specifications and studio personnel to create an accurate 3D model of the ISS, and several NASA employees even volunteered as beta testers for the game.

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