
JAKARTA - The Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) Team of the South Sulawesi Police has again identified the victim of the KM Ladang Pertiwi 02 accident. One victim is known to be a woman named Rahma. "Identified through primary data, namely teeth and fingerprints, as well as secondary data, namely property," said Asep in his written statement, Sunday, June 5. Asep said the body was a resident of Pamalikang Island, Sabaru Village, Kalukuang Masalima District, Pangkep Regency, aged around 70-75 years. "With the identification of the body on behalf of Rahmama, continued Asep, a total of three bodies of victims of the KM Ladang Pertiwi accident have been identified. Namely, first on behalf of Sitti Hajrah and second on behalf of Asni. "The number of passengers is 50 people. Congratulations 31 people. 4 people died. 3 people have been identified and 15 people are still being searched," he said.

Previously, KM Ladang Pertiwi 02 sank on Thursday, May 12, 2022 around 10 nautical miles (nm) in the waters of the Malacca strait. Pangkajene Islands last Wednesday. The wooden motor boat, according to the local Syahbandar, did not have a permit to transport passengers and goods, but only had a license to catch fish. The police have named the captain and the ship's owner as suspects. Both were proven to be involved in the element of negligence that caused the sinking of the ship.

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