JAKARTA - There is something new about the appearance of Facebook Messenger, which is no longer blue and white. Now the instant messaging application owned by Facebook comes with a color combination similar to Instagram.
According to Facebook, the new logo reflects an increasingly dynamic service integration between Messenger and Instagram. So that users will be more connected in a fun way.
"This marks our ongoing evolution from a simple way to send messages to your Facebook friends," Messenger Vice President Stan Chudnovsky said in a blog post as quoted by The Verge , Friday, October 16.
Facebook points out that it's not just the logo that's changed. In recent months, the company added many new features to Messenger, including rooms, the ability to share videos with friends and integration into Instagram.
Apart from that, the company has also launched a chat theme which allows users to make chats a little more colorful. Facebook promises that in the future there will be more features such as selfie stickers and a vanishing mode, which allows users to set messages to automatically disappear after a certain time.
Some of the features above, including selfie stickers and disappear mode, actually enter Instagram's DM feature first. In September, Facebook said Instagram users would soon be able to send messages to Messenger users, and vice versa.
Not to forget, users can also add several features such as Messenger to Instagram. The company also says that Instagram may start getting some features before Messenger.

Others, Messenger also allows users to watch videos with friends, Facebook works to further connect users. This move is part of CEO Mark Zuckerberg who plans to focus more on personal communication as opposed to other platforms.
For users in North America, Facebook will first launch cross-app communication between Messenger and Instagram.
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