
JAKARTA - Secretary General of the Indonesian Micro and Small Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMIKINDO) Jurika Fratiwi stated that according to exchange data, interest in the crypto industry in Southeast Asia has increased since 2019.

According to him, the jump in interest in crypto, which was first used in 2009, occurred during the pandemic because many people were looking for alternative investments other than commodities, stocks and gold.

"There is also great interest in crypto assets in Indonesia. Until 2021, crypto asset investors will increase to 7.4 million or an average of 162 percent per year since 2015," said Jurika Fratiwi as quoted by Antara, Saturday, May 14.

He said the crypto industry in Southeast Asia was also able to give birth to crypto communities, for example Vidycoin and Vidyx. Vidycoin and Vidyx also have fairly high market capitalizations on exchanges traded around the world.

Not surprisingly, in Indonesia the Vidy Foundation with its token series VidyX and Vidy Coin also has the most investors compared to other countries in the world with an increasing trend from year to year.

"I think this is because the Vidy Foundation's two crypto token platforms, namely Vidy coin and VidyX, are supported by a very brilliant business model plan," explained Jurika, who is also a DPP functionary of the Indonesian Women Entrepreneurs Association (IWAPI).

Jurika sees the Vidy Foundation's performance showing a positive process with low-risk crypto investments. "It is this excellent risk management that propels the Vidy Foundation into performing in the best crypto market," he added.

He considered that the Vidy Foundation crypto token was sufficient to qualify as a crypto investment. Currently, both tokens have a pretty good track record on the Indodax Crypto Exchange

“At the same time, the fact that there is Vidycoin and vidyx has provided a pretty good opportunity. Therefore, many people who want to know how to play crypto by choosing vidycoin and vidyx," he said.

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