
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kemenkominfo) has started implementing the Analog Switch Off (ASO) program or the termination of Phase I analog television broadcasts on April 30, 2022.

However, people who don't know how to migrate analog broadcasts to digital need not worry anymore, because the Ministry of Communication and Information has recently launched the WhatsApp Migration Digital Broadcast chatbot service.

According to the Broadcasting Director of the Directorate General of Post and Information Technology at the Ministry of Communications and Informatics, Geryantika Kurnia, the chatbot service is one of the innovations to promote the ASO program, which will be completed no later than November 2, 2022.

"For people who want to access the Whatsapp Digital Broadcast Migration chatbot, they can go through the WhatsApp number 08118202208," Geryantika said in a statement recently.

Geryantika explained, when accessing the chatbot, users will find eight main menus to choose from, namely general information about ASO, schedule for ASO stages, ASO affected areas at each stage, and information about Set Top Box (STB) assistance and certified STB.

"There is also information about how to switch to digital broadcasting, general information about multiplexing, downloading digital TV signal applications, and information about the sophistication of digital broadcasting," said Geryantika.

He added that the public can also get information on official channels from Indonesian Digital Broadcasters, such as websites, Instagram, Tiktok, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

"We hope that the presence of this chatbot service will make it easier for people to find information about ASO and urge them to immediately switch to digital broadcasting without having to wait for analog broadcasts in their area to be turned off," said Geryantika.

As previously reported, the ASO Phase I program has started on April 30, 2022 at 24.00, and will take place in three broadcast areas consisting of six districts and two cities.

The area includes Riau Province for the city of Dumai, Bengkalis and Meranti regencies, Riau-4 broadcast area. Then, the broadcast area of East Nusa Tenggara-3 is in three regencies, namely North Central Timor, Belu and Malacca Regencies. As well as the broadcast area of West Papua-1 in the city of Sorong and Sorong Regency.

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