Google Cloud Team Builds Services For Web3 Developers
Google cloud is building a new service (Google)


JAKARTA - The Google Cloud unit is putting together a development team to build services for developers running blockchain applications.

Quoted from CNBC, Saturday, May 7, Amit Zavery, vice president at Google Cloud, told employees via email that he wants to make Google Cloud Platform the first choice for developers in the field.

"We're not trying to be a direct part of that cryptocurrency wave, we're going to provide technology for companies to use and leverage the distributed nature of Web3 in their businesses and enterprises today," said Google Cloud vice president Amit Zavery.

According to Zavery, the Web3 market is already showing tremendous potential, and many customers are asking him to increase support for Web3 and crypto-related technologies.

For information, Zavery started joining Google's cloud group in 2019.

He said the new team will consist of employees who have been involved in the Web3 project either at Google or elsewhere.

The system that will be created by Google will allow the company to make it easier for people to view blockchain data. Google's tools will be compatible with other platforms such as Amazon Web Services, Zavery said.

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