
JAKARTA - HTC Vive has launched, a system designed to place real-world actors into a Mandalorian-style virtual world on Monday, April 25. The system, called Mars CamTrack, is priced at a relatively affordable price.

"VIVE Mars CamTrack makes virtual production fast, easy and affordable by combining an entire camera tracking workflow into a compact plug-and-play module with professional-grade features," the product description reads.

The system uses existing hardware along with a new box called Mars that processes all the signals. This product also includes a pair of Vive Trackers (3.0) to track camera movement, light or stand, three Rovers to send signals from the Vive Tracker to Mars and a pair of Base Stations (2) which determine the exact location of each Vive Tracker and Rover module.

There are several advantages to using the VIVE Mars CamTrack. First, the system allows actors to jump into a number of virtual backgrounds in real-time during production.

Then, all production processes can be carried out in one place without the need for expensive site shooting and set making. Sets can be changed quickly. It will also make the show easier, as actors can see their surroundings rather than having to pretend they are there.

Setting up such a system can be tricky, but the HTC Vive promises features like automatic calibration for camera offset and lens distortion. It also has plug and play compatibility, which allows you to sync your LiveLink Unreal Engine system without the need for additional software.

For now, the VIVE Mars CamTrack is rolling out only in the United States, Canada and most European countries. Mars CamTrack is sold in packages with Trackers, Rovers, Base Station, Mars unit, cables, calibration kit and more. The initial price is 5,000 US dollars or the equivalent of Rp. 70 million.

The price is indeed not cheap, but if you consider the production costs of other films which are quite high, the price of Mars CamTrack is not much. If you're interested, you can now sign up for a Mars CamTrack kit on the official website.

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