
JAKARTA - The White House declined to comment on the deal conglomerate Elon Musk bought Twitter Inc., on Monday, April 25. But they say that US President Joe Biden has long been concerned about the power of social media platforms.

"Our concerns are not new," said White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki. "The president has long spoken of his concerns about the power of social media platforms, including Twitter and others, to spread misinformation."

Psaki also stated that the White House continues to advocate for repealing Section 230, the law that protects online companies from liability for content posted by users, and supports increased anti-trust enforcement and transparency on technology companies.

The Biden-era administration official thinks tighter oversight could prevent the spread of false information about political issues and the COVID-19 pandemic.

"We regularly engage with all social media platforms about the steps that can be taken," Psaki added. "That continues, and I'm sure it will continue, but there are also reforms that we think Congress can make."

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