
JAKARTA - Mercedes-Benz wants to produce electric cars that consume as little energy as possible, which is 10 kilowatt hours per 100 km. This was announced by the chief technology officer (CTO) on Thursday, April 14. That capability is claimed to be a third more efficient than the current average for today's electric cars.

The German automaker recently celebrated the successful trial of its EQXX prototype vehicle for more than 1,000 km from Sindelfingen in Germany to the Cote d'Azur on a single charge. Mercedes-Benz CTO Markus Schaefer said an efficient design was the key to maximizing the reach of electric cars.

"First we optimize efficiency, and then we can see how many battery modules we put in the car," Schaefer was quoted as saying by Reuters. He added that customers should be able to decide what size battery they want based on their needs.

Automakers from Mercedes-Benz to Tesla to even China's Nio are now vying for higher-range cars that allay consumer anxiety over the widespread lack of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles.

Mercedes unveiled its Vision EQXX prototype, with a range of 1,000 km on half the volume battery of its flagship EQS model, in January. This battery, promises that some car components will fit into the series vehicles within 2-3 years.

This car is claimed to consume 8.7 kilowatt hours of energy per 100 km in the 11 and a half hour trip to France. This amount is about twice as efficient as the Mercedes model on the market and the long-range car Tesla has to offer, the Model S60.

The Mercedes EQS has the highest range on the market to date, according to car comparison portal carwow, at 768 km per charge, followed by the Model S Tesla Long Range of up to 652 km.

“There will be further upgrades for some time before the crash, which will happen once the charging infrastructure is in place such as gas stations,” said Schaefer, although he declined to name the range Mercedes is targeting for their future models.

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