
JAKARTA - Have you ever felt like playing a game every morning but lazy to get out of bed? Finally you found the solution. Japanese furniture company Bauhutte makes the BGB-100FA electric game bed.

This gaming bed allows players to skip the mundane morning routine and jump straight into video games instead of breakfast.

In the video footage of this product, the gaming bed is equipped with a remote control which is used to turn furniture such as futons into a large gaming chair that sits at a 60 degree angle for the upper body and a 30 degree angle for the legs.

Bauhutte states that it was created to optimize space for gamers who are confined to a smaller room or apartment, saving space by having a bed that converts into a comfortable gaming setting.

There is also a fleet of accessories. The Bauhutte website suggests pairing your gaming bed with an "energy train" that stores gamer fuel, a combo clothes rack, desk, and storage unit for your gaming peripherals, or even an "ninja onesie 4G" that makes sure you 'IRL quietly'. like you in the game.

Bauhutte actually built an engineless version for the game bed in 2020, and now, it looks like it's all bundled up with an engine.

Gizmodo reports that the bed frame costs about $480 on its own, and one Amazon seller has listed it for around $680 with the gaming mattress.

It is unknown whether this revolutionary equipment will be available outside of Japan or not, as Bauhutte is exclusive to Japan.

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