
JAKARTA – The author of the book Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, predicts that the US dollar will expire. He said this was driven by Saudi Arabia agreeing to sell Chinese oil and trade in Yuan, not US dollars.

Kiyosaki also noted that the war in Ukraine has strengthened the position of cryptocurrencies as a hedge rather than “government fake fiat money”. The book author and investor shared a range of his thoughts on war, bitcoin and the US dollar in his Twitter post.

For your information, Rich Dad Poor Dad is a book that was first published in 1997 and has become a bestseller to date. The book on financial management and investment that is packaged in the story was written by Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter. The book has been on the New York Times Best Seller List for more than six years. More than 32 million copies of the book have been sold in more than 51 languages in more than 109 countries.

Launching News, according to reports many Russians used bitcoin as a savior after the Russian ruble collapsed. Responding to these conditions Kiyosaki wrote: “The Ukraine/Russia war gave rise to cryptocurrencies as a safer haven than fake government fiat money.”

Kiyosaki further explained that he did not invest in oil companies including Exxon and Mobile. He chose to “invest directly in oil wells. Higher risk for higher returns.” He also rated it a "fantastic tax cut". Kiyosaki ended the tweet with the caption "The rich are getting richer but the poor are suffering."

Previously, Kiyosaki predicted that “we are in the biggest bubble in the history of the world” and that the US government will confiscate all cryptocurrencies. Then the government will regulate the crypto sector and launch a “crypto Fed.” In the end, Kiyosaki stated that all cryptocurrencies would be confiscated and put into government cryptocurrencies.

In addition, he also discussed the end of the US dollar Tuesday. The author notes that US hegemony ends and US power in the world will diminish. As evidence, the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad refers to stories about Saudi Arabia considering accepting Chinese yuan instead of US dollars for oil trading.

Several people have spoken openly about the US dollar losing its dominance since the war between Russia and Ukraine began, including veteran investor Jim Rogers who co-founded the Quantum Fund with billionaire investor George Soros.

"What's happening with the U.S. dollar now is the end of the U.S. dollar because international currencies are supposed to be neutral but in Washington, they're now changing the rules," Rogers said.

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