
JAKARTA - Google is reportedly developing a special dark mode feature for Android. Google dark mode is expected to have a darker color than the previous display.

Launching The Verge, Friday March 4, Google's latest dark mode has entered the trial phase. This feature will not be the same as those previously tested on desktop devices. The color will be darker without the slightest gray element.

After completing the trial phase, the Android version of Google dark mode will be launched to the public. Google claims this feature that is being developed will make the user's smartphone battery more efficient.

Android Police said, Google dark mode is already available for the latest Google 13.8 beta browser application. You can access the Google Play Store via APKMirror to enjoy the feature.

This feature when applied to Google smartphones will be more attractive, especially for users of OLED screen devices, or users who prefer to use dark mode more.

It is not known exactly when Google dark mode will be officially released to the global market. Until now, the dark mode feature is still being refined.

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