
JAKARTA - Twitter has reportedly stopped taking action against tweets that spread misinformation about the 2020 General Elections in the United States (US).

Twitter's comments came a day after other social media platforms, such as YouTube, removed campaign ads for Republican congressmen for including 2020 lies.

"Since March 2021, (Twitter has not enforced) a civil integrity policy with respect to lies about the 2020 election," said Twitter spokeswoman Elizabeth Busby.

This is a policy under which the company has suspended or even banned users for lying about the 2020 US Election, affixed fact-check warning labels to tweets containing such lies and limited the ability of others to share inaccurate tweets.

According to Busby, the civil integrity policy still exists, but it no longer applies to lies about the 2020 US election, in particular. Busby said it was because the policy was designed to be used during elections or other civic events.

"(And) the 2020 US election not only passed, but US President Joe Biden has been in office for over a year," Busby said.

However, according to CNN International, Sunday, January 30, Twitter's decision is quite worrying. Meanwhile, the lies about the 2020 US Election, however, will never go away. In fact, they continue to play a major role in American politics.

For example, former US President Donald Trump kept repeating lies about the 2020 US Election, where the US Capitol Building was attacked by a group of his supporters. Intelligence analysts say members of right-wing extremist groups will continue this lie.

Even so, Twitter still enforces its general rules, which prohibit things like threats of violence and hateful behavior. This includes enforcing its policies against COVID-19 misinformation.

Twitter has banned ads from politicians since 2019. Busby added, "Our team remains committed to making official information about the civic process accessible and easy to find, and we'll have more to share about our specific planning for the US midterms very soon." said Busby.

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