
Currently emojimix is going viral on TikTok. Many people also use emojimix. Emoji are used to express feelings through pictures. You must be familiar with various kinds of emojis. Both on the keyboard and chat applications. However, have you ever not found an emoji expression that fits your mood? Suppose you are feeling happy and sad at the same time. In the chat application, of course, there is no proper emoji.

Now, you can combine emojis to express your mood. Not only to express the mood. Combining two emojis can fill your spare time. Then how? This time, we will share how to make an emojimix.

About Emojimix App

By definition, emojimix is two or more emojis that are combined into a new, unique emoji. For example, combining rose and rainbow emojis. The result will be a unique emoji. You can be as creative as possible.

Emojimix can be created using the app or the website directly. There are many apps and sites that you can use. Here we will explain the steps to make emojimix.

Using Google Gboard

Google has released a new feature on Gboard, namely the Emoji Kitchen. Similar to emojimix, this feature can combine emojis quickly. You can use this combined emoji on various social media, such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, WeChat, and others. How to use it as follows.

Download then install the Gboard app on your phone. Use the latest version. Make Gboard your default keyboard app. Open a chat application such as WhatsApp then select the person you want to send a message to. Click a chat board to display Gboard. Click the smile icon to display a list of emojis Type two emojis Gboard will automatically combine the emojis and display them above the keyboard Using Tikolu

One of the popular sites used by many people is the Tikolu site. It's very easy.

Go to the site Select emojimix Click "click here to begin" Select the emoji you want to combine and see the results. Click copy if you want to save the emoji Click share if you want to share the emoji to various social media.

That was how to make a simple, fast, and easy emojimix. You can apply this method on various kinds of cellphones, both Android and Iphone. Now you can create a variety of unique and interesting emojis. Apart from being entertainment, this can also hone your creativity.

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