
JAKARTA - CCTV has become one of the needs of every home, office, shop, and places that are prone to crime. Using CCTV does not have to wait for a theft case.

There's nothing wrong with keeping an eye on important rooms, such as bedrooms, living rooms, work spaces, and other spaces. Especially when left out of town for a few days.

In fact, there are also those who use CCTV to capture invisible figures. Making CCTV using a smartphone or cell phone is not impossible. If you have two cell phones, you can use them to make CCTV.

Don't imagine that we will modify HP components to become CCTV. You simply use an application to make your cellphone function as a CCTV.

In addition, prepare two smartphones and a minimum 3G internet connection. We will provide a tutorial on making CCTV using a cellphone. Once ready, follow these steps.

How to make a cellphone into a CCTV with the Alfert Camera Application Prepare two smartphones, it can be two Androids or two Iphones. The first cellphone was used as a CCTV camera, so choose the one with good camera quality. The second cellphone is used as a viewer or observer. Don't forget to prepare a charger so that CCTV can record 24 hours. Use a stable internet connection, both using wifi and at least 3G mobile data. Install the Alfred Home Security application on both cellphones. This application can be used for free. If you want to use the app's features more fully, upgrade to premium. Select the HP function Open the Alfred Home Security application and follow the tutorial until you select the HP function. One cellphone as CCTV and the other as observer or viewer. Enter the same Google account on both phones. If you don't have one, you can create a Google account first. After that, login on both HP. Place the CCTV where you want it.

In order to record the entire room, you can use a tripod. In addition, you can also choose to use the front or rear camera. You can already operate this CCTV. Use this CCTV to record indoor events. Please note, this application can record in the background. In fact, even if the HP screen is off, the recording process continues.

Apart from using the Alfred Camera application, you can also use other applications, such as WardenCam. This application is also free and can be used on Android and iPhone phones. How to use it is almost the same. However, it should be noted, when creating CCTV, you must use the same application.

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