
JAKARTA - The Presidential Staff Office stated Indonesia's achievements, through the National Legal Development Agency of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (BPHN Kemenkumham), at the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Awards 2023, Tallin, Estonia, is proof of the presence of the state at all levels.

At the award event held Wednesday (6/9) in Estonia, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights BPHN through the Legal Aid Expansion program for Individuals and Vulnerable Groups in Indonesia won the first award for the 2023 OGP Awards after setting aside eight nomination programs from other Asian Pacific regional countries.

"This achievement is the joint work of all parties, both the government and civil society. This is proof that the state is present for all levels of society, especially in the vulnerable category, if it is involved in legal cases," said Deputy V KSP Jaleswari Pramodhawardani in a written statement in Jakarta as reported by ANTARA Saturday, September 9.

Jaleswari said that this was an affirmation from the Indonesian government in encouraging transparency and openness and partiality to groups of small and vulnerable communities that needed legal assistance.

He said that from 2016 to 2022, more than 94,000 vulnerable people have been given legal assistance by involving 619 legal aid organizations (OBH).

According to him, this program strengthens its relevance by becoming one of the Open Government Indonesia (OGI) actions aimed at continuing to encourage full participation and co-creation of non-state actors in presenting the benefits of wider legal assistance for vulnerable groups.

To strengthen the program, Jaleswari said that the government needs to increase budgeting commitments and policies to strengthen the mechanism for OBH's involvement in the implementation of legal assistance programs for the community.

"This legal aid program will continue to be supported so that it is distributed more widely and embraces vulnerable groups who have difficulty getting access to justice," he said.

In addition to the legal assistance program for vulnerable communities, Jaleswari explained that currently the Government through the Ministry of Law and Human Rights and law enforcement agencies also continues to make changes to the punishment paradigm by implementing a restorative justice mechanism.

Legal resolution in this mechanism, he said, focuses on the involvement of all parties, both perpetrators, victims, families, and related parties.

This is to create an agreement on the settlement of fair and balanced criminal cases for the victims and perpetrators who prioritize recovery to its original state and restore good relations patterns in society.

"The restorative justice mechanism is an alternative settlement of cases for certain crimes that do not include serious crimes." said Jaleswari.

As of June 2023, there were 2,997 cases that were terminated based on restorative justice with strict and accountable terms and governance.

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