
Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming admitted that he had not thought about becoming governor when asked by Deputy Governor of East Java Emil Elestianto Dardak during his visit to Solo.

Gibran and Emil Dardak met at Surakarta City Hall, Friday, January 20 and on that occasion the two of them threw praise at each other.

Emil said that Gibran's breakthrough that had been carried out while leading Solo became the capital to advance to higher political contestation, including to DKI Jakarta.

"If Jakarta is always open to the nation's best sons and daughters, Mas Gibran with his breakthroughs must have an attraction. I think there is an opportunity, everyone has a chance. The guardian with his achievements has a good opportunity," said Tanjung Emil.

Meanwhile, Gibran also admitted to admiration for Emil who was extraordinary, visionary, and very young, as well as cool.

Asked about Emil, who had praised Gibran's leadership, including his potential to lead a larger area, he expressed his gratitude.

About the possibility of the two of them moving forward together in the next political contestation, he didn't respond much.

"Wow, are you governor? Yes, just wait," he said.

During the meeting, Gibran also asked permission from the deputy governor regarding the promotion of Solo Safari which began in East Java.

"We are starting to install billboards to East Java. We continue to attack Yogya and East Java," he said.

Gibran said the move was taken to capture a wider market share.

"Cooperation between provinces is important. Moreover, for example, IKM Gilingan, PLTSa (Putri Cempo) has been completed, definitely an appeal study to Solo. Cooperation is widening to a larger market share, meaning alone," he said.

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