
YOGYKARTA - Water plants or aquatic plants are widely favored because they have beautiful shapes and look refreshing. Water plants or commonly called hydrophytics are plants that are able to adapt and live in water. Many people are familiar with several names of plants that live in water, such as lotus and hyacinth.

Aquatic plants are able to survive in a humid environment with high water levels. This type of plant also has resistance to bacteria. There are water plants that live on the edge of the waters (marginal aquatic plant), which live in the waters (submerge aquatic plant), live on the surface of the waters (floating aqutic), and live on the bottom of the waters (the deep aquatic plant).

Water plants are usually used to beautify pools at home, ponds in parks, or showeres. Naturally, water plants are easy to find in swamps, quiet rivers, waterfall walls, and the like. Water plants can also be placed indoors with small aquariums.

Aquatic plants have their own attraction because of their uniqueness. There are several benefits of aquatic plants for nature, such as screening waste, replicating habitats, to sheltering fish.

Meanwhile, water plants at home can add beauty and give a fresh or cool feel. Here are some names of water plants that you need to know.

One of the water plants that is quite widely found in Indonesia is green tape. This plant is mostly found in swamps or riverbanks. Interestingly, green talas can be processed into food.

Green talas plants can be used as food ingredients for oriental in Asian countries. Usually used to make cold drinks. To be consumed, the roots must be cooked first.

Other water plants that are also quite popular are water droplets. This plant lives floating on the surface of the water and has a similar shape as a water lotus. Water Lilies are widely favored because of their beautiful shape, especially when the flowers bloom.

The difference in water droplets with water lotus is on the leaves. Water droplets float like a basket flower cushion. While the leaves of the lotus plant do not touch the surface of the water or are far above the surface.

Water Lotus is the most popular type of aquatic plant. This plant usually grows in calm ponds, lakes, or waters. This water plant is widely liked because it looks beautiful and exotic.

The lotus water plant flower has an elongated and rather pointed shape. The flowers can be washed as wide as a foot. This plant can be an ornamental choice for those of you who like to design a house.

Another interesting water plant is water bamboo or commonly called horsetails. Although not as popular as lotus and water droplets, water bamboo plants have an attractive shape. This plant can grow up to three feet. While its small variety can grow as high as eight inches.

Water bamboo plants have aggressive or fast-spreading properties. If you want to plant them, you need control so they don't spread massively. However, these plants are toxic to horses and livestock.

Papyrus umbrella or cyperus alternifolus is aquatic plant that is famous for its beautiful shape. This plant is widely favored because it has beautiful leaves. The umbrella Papyrus is called a special plant because it has long historical value. Previously, the ancient mesir people used this plant as a material for making paper.

The umbrella propyrus plant is quite attractive as a pool decoration at home. Papyrus umbrella is a more warm climate native plant. This water plant is able to live about 25 degrees.

The hyacinth is aquatic plant that is no stranger to anything. This plant grows massively or spreads rapidly to fill the waters. The hyacinth has a history of weeds or pest plants in several countries in the European continent, the United States, and New Zealand. The hyacinth plant is said to have originated from the Amazon river valley in South America.

Those are some of the names of plants that live in water. In addition to a number of plants above, there are still many water plants such as lettuce, water jasmine, apu-apu, water celery, and others.

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