
SAMARINDA - Governor of East Kalimantan Isran Noor believes that Indonesia, especially the East Kalimantan region, will not collapse, affected by the global economic crisis whose issues are sweeping the world.

"I believe that we don't need to worry about the global economic crisis whose issues are growing all over the world. Even the threat of bankruptcy will not happen in this country, especially our region," said Isran Noor, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 16.

Isran Noor admitted that he had noticed and listened to all speeches delivered by President Jokowi, the Chair of the MPR and DPR. Especially issues related to the threat of the global economic crisis.

According to Isran, Indonesia is a rich country with abundant natural resources.

In addition, Indonesia is a country that has a climate that is very suitable for plants, because it produces water vapor from high humidity.

"So, all edible plants in this republic can grow. From Sabang to Merauke, Miangas to Rote Island. There is no problem, I am sure we will not be threatened by the global economic crisis," said Isran explaining.

However, Isran Noor ensured, if a crisis occurs, it will be overcome as long as the Indonesian people remain enthusiastic, work hard and try to use natural resources wisely and well.

"If everything goes well, the global crisis will have no effect in Indonesia," said Isran Noor.

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