
JAKARTA - The Working Committee (Panja) of Commission VI DPR RI decided to carry out a rescue scheme for PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. The agreement was reached during a meeting of the Garuda rescue committee which took place behind closed doors at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, April 22.

In response to this, the President Director of Garuda Indonesia, Irfan Setiaputra, welcomed the full support provided by Garuda Indonesia Rescue for the performance recovery measures that were also aligned with the PKPU (debt payment obligation) process which is currently underway.

"The support of the Indonesian House of Representatives Commission VI Working Committee is a form of representation of the solidity of the aviation industry ecosystem, including the Indonesian House of Representatives for the performance recovery steps that Garuda is currently accelerating," he said in a written statement to VOI, Saturday, April 23.

Irfan also expressed his gratitude to the Committee VI of the DPR RI and is committed to implementing the recommendations that have been submitted consistently and continuously. He believes that the Panja's support is an important part of the performance restructuring that is being optimized by Garuda.

"We believe that the full commitment of the Indonesian House of Representatives Commission VI Committee to rescue Garuda is a positive outlook for our continuous steps to maximize the momentum of recovery and transformation of performance in these challenging times," he continued.

On this occasion, Minister of SOEs Erick Thohir also said that the Ministry of SOEs together with Garuda Indonesia Management would implement the recommendations from Commission VI of the DPR. He believes this rescue option will support Garuda's steps to maintain its business.

"This moment is important because the growth trend from domestic or international is starting to show. We will focus on handling the crucial outlook including the PKPU process, avtur, and the shortage of the aviation industry in the domestic industry," said Erick.

Through the agenda of reading the recommendations of the Garuda Indonesia Rescue Committee, Commission VI of the Indonesian House of Representatives approved a plan to provide state capital participation (PMN) of Rp7.5 trillion from the government to Garuda Indonesia in the 2022 budget year. PKPU.

In addition to approving the PMN, the Panja provided a number of other recommendations, including supporting the implementation of the rescue scheme that had been prepared by Garuda Indonesia and the Ministry of SOEs.

The Panja also asked Garuda together with the Ministry of SOEs to periodically report the progress of the rescue in accordance with a predetermined scheme, including optimizing routes, streamlining the number of aircraft, and optimizing cargo revenue.

In addition, the Panja Commission VI also conveyed its understanding of the opportunities for strategic investor involvement in supporting the restructuring of Garuda Indonesia's performance.

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