
JAKARTA - Expert Staff to the Minister of Health for Health Technology, Setiaji said the government had opened a free telemedicine service for self-isolation (isoman) patients who were confirmed positive for COVID-19 based on the results of an antigen test.

Previously, the new telemedicine service served isoman patients from the results of the RT-PCR swab test. Now, the doctor's consultation service and the delivery of free drug packages can be used by patients with a positive COVID-19 RDT Antigen test result.

"We are adding another feature in the telemedicine service. We will also cover patients who have a positive antigen lab test," Setiaji said in his statement, Thursday, February 17.

Setiaji revealed, to get a free drug package from telemedicine services, isoman patients must perform an RDT-Antigen examination at a health facility or laboratory affiliated with the Ministry of Health's New All Record (NAR) system.

This is because the laboratory must input a positive test result into the NAR Antigen of the Ministry of Health, before the patient receives a message about telemedicine from the Ministry of Health.

However, if they do not receive a WhatsApp message from the Ministry of Health, patients can check their NIK manually at The confirmation message can be used to consult a doctor and redeem free drugs.

"Currently we have accelerated this service, so that a maximum of 24 hours has arrived at the patient's house who is doing isomanism," said Setiaji.

For information, telemedicine services are here to make it easier for isoman patients to get health services and access medicines with minimal health risks.

Currently, there are a total of 17 platforms that provide telemedicine services, namely Aido Health, Alodokter, GetWell, Good Doctor, Halodoc, Homecare24, KlikDokter, KlinikGo, Lekasehat, LinkSehat, Mdoc, Milvik Dokter, ProSehat, SehatQ, Trustmedis, Vascular Indonesia, and YesDok. .

The free drug package that patients will get is in the form of Package A for asymptomatic patients, consisting of multivitamins C, B, E, and 10 zinc tablets; and Package B for patients with mild symptoms consisting of 10 tablets of multivitamin C, B, E and Zinc, Favipiravir 200 mg 40 capsules, or Molnupiravir 200 mg 40 tabs and paracetamol 500 mg tablets if needed.

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