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Illustration (Xavi Cabrera / Unsplash)


JAKARTA - Several countries have been able to overcome the rate of spread of COVID-19. The epidemiological curve that has decreased does not make the alert attitude also decline. Various regulations are applied to adapt to the life of the new normal or the new normal.

Recently, the world is focusing on New Zealand because it has succeeded in becoming the next country to successfully tackle the spread of COVID-19. The last patient of COVID-19 has been discharged from the country's hospital. During the week, no new cases were detected. The handling is similar to that of other countries that have previously been reported to have succeeded in holding back the spread of this pandemic, namely acting quickly from the beginning of transmission.

The community also obeys and supports the policies made by their government. New Zealanders are reportedly quite passive. They rarely protest to the government, but this is fruitful for handling COVID-19. Unlike the German people who protested when their government implemented regulations to deal with this pandemic. However, the German government is strict with the regulations they make so that handling continues to run well. Even now the German football league has returned to rolling, as well as the Vietnam League. The Cambodian League is also rumored to be following next month. Vietnam and Cambodia are two examples of countries that have successfully battled this pandemic without any mortality rates.

On the other hand, Japan has also lifted the national emergency status as of last Monday. Therefore they prepare regulations to be able to reopen the amusement park. These guidelines were created by East and West Japan Theme Park Associations, which are home to more than 30 major theme parks in Japan, including Universal Studios Japan and Tokyo Disneyland. These well-publicized guidelines cannot ensure transmission to zero, but they are believed to reduce the risk.

One appeal that has caught the attention of the world community is that users of playing rides are asked not to speak loudly or even scream. We can imagine, riding a roller coaster ride but refrain from screaming. A normally boisterous theme park can be a quiet place despite the crowds.

As part of the adaptation to the new normal, visitors must also wear a mask at all times. Distancing protocols are encouraged. Especially if it is not possible to wear a mask. It's a little weird to find a fake ghost wearing a mask, right?

There are also certain amusement parks that add their own rules, such as Fuji Q-Highland.

Press "Listen" for a complete guide to the new normality of amusement parks in Japan.

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