TASIKMALAYA - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java said that the incident of a bridge that collapsed in Cibalong District did not cause residents to be isolated. Residents can still cross other roads even though it is further away.
"No (isolated), there are still alternative roads," said Head of Emergency and Logistics Division of the Tasikmalaya Regency BPBD, Kurnia Trisna in Tasikmalaya, Antara, Tuesday, November 15.
Heavy rains flushed the Tasikmalaya area causing landslides and made the bridge connecting villages in Cibalong District collapsed on Monday.
As a result of the bridge that was affected by the landslide, he said, motorized vehicles and the local community could not pass, so they had to turn the direction which was about 5 km away.
"Indeed, it has to go around about 5 kilometers, but the residents are not isolated, we will immediately take action so that residents' access returns to normal," he said.
He conveyed that his staff had coordinated with the Tasikmalaya District Public Works Office to tackle road access for people affected by landslides.
He hopes that as soon as possible there will be a solution to overcome the bridge so that people in the area can return to their normal activities.
"We direct repairs using village ADD, technically later we will cooperate with the Public Works Service," he said.
The collapsed bridge is about 15 meters long and 3.5 meters wide, which people usually use to carry out various activities, but now the bridge has collapsed, so it can no longer be used by the community.
A local resident of Rido (26) said that the bridge that was affected by the landslide was an important road access for local communities to carry out activities from Cibalong Village to Parung Village and vice versa.
As long as the road cannot be passed, he said, people will take advantage of other roads by using suspension bridges, while car vehicles must turn further.
"This bridge is very important for the community. For the time being there is still a swampy bridge, but for cars you can't, you have to turn it long," he said.
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