SURABAYA - Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi confirmed that Holywings in Surabaya will not operate again. If the blasphemy case has not been resolved, and Holywings' permit does not match the operational pocket.
"In the meantime (the permit) goes to the provincial government, if it's difficult, it goes to the central government. Well, he (Holywings) hasn't extended or renewed it. So there I freeze the permit," said Eri, in Surabaya, Thursday, June 30.
Eri Cahyadi said Holywings in Surabaya had applied for a restaurant and bar permit to the city government in 2017. However, along with the issuance of PP No. 5 of 2021, permits for bars are now under the authority of the East Java Provincial Tourism Office.
Until now, continued Eri Cahyadi, Holywings in Surabaya had never renewed the permit, so the city government suspended the permit. The suspension of Holywings is carried out until the case is completed and its operations are in accordance with the bagged permits.
"If we can't comply with the regulations, it means that we will continue to close until we issue a permit. But if we continue to change names, only restaurants will be made, the municipal government will issue (permits)," he said.

Eri Cahyadi explained that the restaurant business operating permit was issued by the city government. As for bars, in accordance with Government Regulation (PP) No. 5 of 2021 concerning Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing, issued by the Provincial Government.
"The restaurant has a permit issued by the city government. But for bars, in accordance with PP 5 of 2021, the permit is issued by the province," he said.
Therefore, when the case that befell Holywings is completed and wants to operate again in Surabaya, the permit must also be renewed. Whether it's a permit for a restaurant or a bar or discotheque.
"The Surabaya City Government issues permits in accordance with the regulations, only restaurants. It can't be a bar, because (the bar permit) is not the municipal government's authority," he said.
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