
MAKASSAR - Makassar Police Chief Kombes Budhi Haryanto said the perpetrator bought a gun to shoot Makassar Transportation Agency employee Najamuddin Sewang from a terrorist network.

"The revolver was purchased online (online) by the suspect and it turns out that it was bought by a terrorist network," said Kombes Budhi Haryanto when releasing the disclosure of the shooting case in Makassar, South Sulawesi, as reported by Antara, Monday, April 18.

The results of forensic tests at the Makassar Branch of the Forensic Laboratory Center (Puslabfor) stated that the gun was not an assembly, but a manufacturer's weapon.

Likewise, the 33 and 38 caliber projectiles, said Kapolrestabes, were manufactured.

At the time of the incident, three bullets were fired by the perpetrators and the cartridges had been confiscated. Likewise with 53 whole bullets, including the revolver type weapon.

"After investigating where to get the weapon, the perpetrator admitted to buying it online. After being investigated, it turned out to be a terrorist network. This is currently being investigated again," he said.

However, Kapolrestabes is reluctant to detail the terrorist network. In this case, it continues to explore the network.

In this case, the police have named five suspects, each with the initials MIA (Kasatpol PP Makassar), SU, CA, AS, and SL.

MIA or Iqbal Asnan himself acted as the mastermind of the murder, assisted by four other people as planners and executioners.

For witnesses, his party has examined 25 people, including checking surveillance camera (CCTV) footage at 10 points, both along Jalan Danau Tanjung Bunga and Jalan Metro.

Previously, the shooting of Makassar Transportation Agency employee Najamuddin Sewang occurred at around 10:00 WITA on Jalan Danau Tanjung Bunga, Sunday (3/4), after controlling traffic on Jalan Metro Tanjung Bunga.

Before it was known as a murder case, the police declared it a single traffic accident case due to a heart attack. Likewise when taken to the nearest hospital.

However, when the body arrived at his house and was about to be bathed, the family found a hole like a gunshot mark in the left armpit until finally the body was taken to Bhayangkara Hospital for an autopsy.

Two hours after the autopsy, a team of police doctors at Bhayangkara Hospital managed to remove the projectile lodged in the victim's lungs which was also the cause of death due to a leaky lung caused by being hit by a bullet.

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