
JAKARTA - Supporting the smooth Eid homecoming for Toyota car users, PT Toyota Astra Motor (TAM) presents workshops at 300 strategic points, as well as 24-hour mobile service spread across 15 Toyota Alert Command Posts.

Marketing Director of PT Toyota-Astra Motor (TAM) Jap Ernando Demily, said that to prepare for the Toyota homecoming, he would also provide services in the form of checking and vehicle services, to ensure the performance of safe vehicles when used.

"In fact, we also have a special program by providing a 5 percent discount if consumers buy Toyota Genuine," he said, during breaking the fast together in the Jakarta area, some time ago.

He further said that the homecoming facilities from Toyota were spread across various regions, such as Sumatra, Java, Bali to Sulawesi.

"Toyota is also collaborating with the Transportation Agency which will support smooth homecoming from March 27 to April 6," he added.

In addition, in order to provide comfort while at the homecoming post, Toyota also provides various attractive facilities including wifi to ensure smooth communication during Eid homecoming.

"We also provide a 25 percent discount for Toyota car services, including the 24-hour Toyota Mobile Service service," he explained.

It is important to note that later Toyota Alert Workshops spread across 300 points will operate from 8 am to 4 pm. Including Toyota Mobile Service services will also be available at several standby workshops.

"So if there is a problem on the homecoming route and away from the standby post, there is no need to worry, you can contact the Toyota call center or chat between, we are on standby 24 hours," he concluded.

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