
YOGYAKARTA A black car is still the favorite choice of many people, because it can give an elegant, luxurious, and masculine impression. However, black cars are more sensitive to the appearance of spots on their surface than other colors, especially if they are often exposed to rainwater. Rainy water has acidic properties, so it will leave spots or spots if it is not cleaned immediately. So, how to treat a black car in the rainy season?

Summarized from various sources, Thursday, November 23, 2023, here are how to care for black cars in the rainy season:

1. Diligently washing cars

Black cars that are often exposed to rainwater must be washed frequently. This is done so that the car paint will still look brilliant.

Please note, rainwater can carry dust particles from the surrounding environment which will then stick to the body of the car. When the rainwater drys up, a thin patch will appear that can cause mold. This is due to the accumulation of rainwater that contains acid, as well as dust from the surrounding environment.

Well, the spots attached to the black car will be more visible, because the basic color is dark. So that the dirt is more visible.

That's why black cars should be washed more frequently. It is recommended to use suitable soap or shampoo so as not to damage car paint.

In addition, use a soft microfiber cloth to dry the car after washing it. The use of microfiber cloth can prevent the formation of water spots on car paint.

2. Avoid using determinants

Decomitant soap is very effective for removing dirt. However, if it is often used in the long term, detergent soap can erode the surface of black car paint, so the car looks dull or seems untreated.

Therefore, black car owners should not wash their vehicles with this soap. Better, use a special shampoo for cars that have been found in the market a lot, because it is safer than detergent soap.

3. Apply the right car wipe technique

The black car that was just washed after being exposed to rainwater, should not be engulfed carelessly. Vehicle owners need to apply the right car wipe technique so as not to damage the car body.

The correct black car wipe technique is:

Don't be in a hurry when you wipe a car that has just been washed, because this can make the car body become a beret.

In addition, vehicle owners are also not allowed to make a circular movement when wiping the car, because it can add berets in the form of a swimsuit mark.

4.Waxing and polyshing

How to take care of black cars in the next rainy season is routinely waxing and polyshing.

Waxing can protect the paint surface from damage and increase the splash of the car.

While polyshing can remove small scratches and polish the surface of the paint to make it look more glossy.

This is information about how to care for black cars in the rainy season. Hopefully this article can increase the insight of VOI.ID readers.

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