
YOGYAKARTA - Car owners need to carry spare tires every time they travel in case the main tire has problems. Even as a backup, this tire still needs to be considered including wind pressure. So how much is the ideal wind pressure for car spare tires?

Car spare tires are usually stored in the trunk or under the car. Because they are placed in a hidden place, car owners often ignore the condition of the spare tires. Do not let these spare tires deflate or break so that they are not suitable for use. The ideal wind pressure for spare tires is also higher than the four main tires.

Serep tires must have higher wind pressure than the main tires of the car. Automotive experts say mandatory wind pressure is 2-3 pounds higher per Square Inch (psi). Serep tires must be filled with higher air pressure, not without reason.

Serep tires need to have higher wind pressure because these tires are only stored and used if needed. When stored for a long time, the pressure of the wind on the tires will be shrinking or slowly falling.

With high wind pressure, when the car owner needs to wear a spare tire, the tires are suitable for use. Meanwhile, if the air pressure is filled with low, the condition of the tires is not suitable for use to replace the main tire.

The car owner needs to check the spare tire every 1-2 weeks to ensure the condition of the tires is maintained properly. So if there is a tire shrinkage, the owner can immediately fill it out. It doesn't matter if you want to fill the spare tires with air up to 50 to 60 psi.

Serep wind pressure always decreases or decreases every month. Car owners can use a tire wind pressure measuring device, namely a tie gauge to monitor the air pressure of spare tires.

Serep tires need to be considered and cared for so that their condition is always maintained and ready to be used. Here are some tips for storing spare tires properly that car owners need to know.

Serep tires need to be stored in a closed place or not exposed to direct sunlight. If exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, the car rubber will become hot.

The condition of the tires that get high will cause cerep tires with the potential for higher damage. Rubber getas tires also affect comfort when driving or traveling. So you can store spare tires in the garage or under a car that is protected from sunlight.

Pay attention to the humidity of the room or storage area for car spare tires. A humid air temperature has the potential to damage car wheels and tire rubber. If left for a long time, the condition of the tires will worsen and not be good for use.

When storing spare tires, pay attention to the position of placing the tires. If the tires are stored without wheels, then you should place them vertically and in a row. This aims to keep the tires strong even though it is stored for a long time. Meanwhile, the tires that have been installed with the wheels should be superimposed.

Demikianlah reviewasi mengenai berapa tekanan ban jerep untuk mobil. Pemilik mobil wajib mengisi ban serep dengan tekanan angin yang lebih tinggi dan selalu menjaga kondisinya agar siap digunakan jika kebaik-baik dibutuhkan.

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