
JAKARTA - The AC compressor oil is one of the important components that must be considered, because it functions as a lubricant like general engine oil.

When the oil on the component runs out, it can be a big problem, even making the compressor damaged. This was revealed by Angga Yudistira, Brand Manager, Rotary Auto, Jakarta.

"If it runs out or it is not functioning optimally, the friction on the compressor does not get a lubricant properly, as a result it can be damaged," he told VOI.

This condition can also make AC's performance not optimal, as a result, air circulation in the car cabin can be disrupted, making drivers hot.

It should be noted that there are several signs that the AC compressor oil is running low, and it is recommended to be replaced immediately. So what?

As quoted from the Daihatsu page, Friday, October 13, one of them is the characteristic of a hot compressor caused by large friction between components.

In addition, other signs of oil have almost run out, namely the appearance of a rough voice, due to friction and causing the compressor to break or not work anymore.

Cars become less powerful when air conditioning is turned on can also be a sign, as air conditioning requires high power to maintain performance between components.

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