Gus Dur And PKB's Ways To Reduce Formalin Issues By Eating Meatballs For Free
Poster depicting the 4th President Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur during Gus Dur's Month in the Ngarsopuro area, Solo, Tuesday (29/12/2020). (Between/Maulana Surya/nz)


JAKARTA - Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) refuses to believe the rumors. He is logical and likes to explore the truth. The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) issues a fatwa on pork-containing foods, for example. Gus Dur proved it scientifically.

The accusations are baseless. In the issue of formalin food in mid 2006 on Java Island let alone. He and his party, the National Awakening Party (PKB) proved that not all food sellers of 'bakso and chicken noodles' used formaldehyde. Gus Dur and PKB also perpetuated the celebration of eating free meatballs.

Gus Dur often looks different assessing a problem. His actions also provoked two currents of mind. There are camps that consider him to perpetuate controversial actions. There are also camps that think that Gus Dur is able to think far through the times.

The common thread of all is Gus Dur prioritizing logic and science in thinking. His behavior is high. He did not hesitate to express his right thoughts. He even became the first Indonesian President to dare to apologize to the victims and families who were harmed in the 1965-1966 massacre of Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) sympathizers.

Gus Dur's courage continues. He seriously proposed that the MPRS Decree No XXV/1966 regarding the dissolution of the PKI and the prohibition of the spread of the teachings of Marxism, Communism and Leninism be lifted immediately.

It's not just the matter of the PKI and communism that Gus Dur is always taking care of. He was also present to defend the life of Muslims. Gus Dur dared to choose to argue with the MUI which issued Ajinomoto cuisine contaminated with pork.

Gus Dur did not immediately believe it. Skepticism was prioritized by Gus Dur. He tried to prove it scientifically. As a result, there are no pig fat particles in the food seasoning. Gus Dur also advised Ajinomoto to all apply for a halal certificate.

When there is a MUI fatwa that forbids Ajinomoto food suppliers because the production process is contaminated with pork fat, as President Gus Dur ordered the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) to facilitate the MUI accusations scientifically. Falsification was successful. LIPI research provides negative results. No pork fat in Ajinomoto processes and products.

Gus Dur trusted LIPI, but in order to avoid unnecessary and unwanted commotion. He let the food supplier be withdrawn. Ajinomoto was only allowed to be sold again after MUI was convinced that the production process was changed so that the product obtained a halal certificate, "explained L. Wilardjo in the book Damai Bersama Gus Dur (2010).

Gus Dur also perpetuated the same style of thinking when the issue of formalin food spread from the end of 2005 to the beginning of 2006 in most of Java. the issue of using formaldehyde and bolaks on meatballs, chicken noodles, and salted fish hit the Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) industry.

All traders on the island of Java are starting to feel the impact of the spread of formalin issues. Their sales have decreased drastically. The general khase is not to eat much meatballs and chicken noodles. Afraid of the bad effects of formalin which incidentally preservable corpses are lodged in the body.

It is possible that some traders have been caught using formaldehyde and bolaks in their processed food. However, that does not mean that meatball traders and chicken noodles throughout Java use Formalin. Gus Dur and his party, PKB went directly to the community.

Gus Dur and PKB have proven that in Java, especially in Semarang, most meatball traders are anti-formalin. As a form of support, the issue of anti-formalin meatballs is used as an assessment of the PKB political campaign in Central Java.

They then held a free meatball meal at the Semarang Fountain Roundabout, Central Java on January 25, 2006. The enthusiasm of the residents of Semarang rose. They flocked to attend the PKB free meatball food campaign. This enthusiasm made one meatball cart sold out in just one hour.

How to perpetuate free meatballs is carried out by PKB to prioritize the interests of the community. So that people are no longer afraid to eat meatballs. Moreover, from the portion of meatballs that are bought by the economic flame, the community can turn on.

Moreover, the big leader of PKB, Gus Dur, is known as a true meatball and chicken noodle lover. This was shown by PKB in the form of stickers that were worshiped. Most of the stickers read: Gus Dur just ate noodles and meatballs. Who is afraid? Free Formalin. As a result, the sticker became a fight for the owner of a private vehicle to the pedicab driver around the location.

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