
JAKARTA - Ibnu Sutowo was once considered the culprit of Pertamina's problem. Sutowo's power mixed with Pertamina's and personal affairs became the estuary. Pertamina's position was also accused of being corrupt. However, Ibnu Sutowo's position could not be shaken.

He was actually able to walk around like a generous figure in alms, but with Pertamina's money. This gift made him known as royal among officials. All because of the value of alms that Ibnu Sutowo gave in hand. From personal alms to social properties.

Ibnu Sutowo's actions in the world of Indonesian oil are second to none. He was able to change the former concession of the Dutch company, Batamafsche Petroleum Maatschappij, which was already profitable. Pertamina was born because of it.

The results were brilliant. The New Order government made a profit. Ibnu Sutowo then joked that Pertamina would develop rapidly. He brought Pertamina not only to rely on oil revenue. He made Pertamina start to look at the hotel business, insurance, and travel agencies. The power got the blessing of the New Order (Orba).

The lecture in fact made Pertamina lose badly. People blame Ibnu Sutowo behind everything. The loudest voice emerged from a seasoned journalist, Mochtar Lubis. Pertamina is considered a hotbed of state money deviations.

Everything is because Ibnu Sutowo is considered to lead Pertamina by being vigilant and unfair. As a result, Pertamina contains only the practice of irregularities, allegations of corruption, and waste. However, the state does not dare to interfere with this existence. Even if someone dares to interfere with Ibnu Sutowo's existence, they will be eliminated.

"To Brother Ibnu Sutowo (Pertamina's President Director) that none of the Pertamina employees who have been prosecuted are the sources of information about Pertamina that we broadcast. Pertamina's leadership has acted recklessly, unfairly, unsportsmanlikely, arbitrarily, and franticly against dozens of employees who have been working well and loyally.."

"Arbitrary actions, thus embezzling, should be evidence for the government (and the Minister of Mining). How the current leadership of Pertamina is very, very unqualified for the leadership and management of this large company such as Pertamina. Also, this action shows how Pertamina's leadership feels deeply swallowed up and rashly tries to cover up what it is that leakage holes of information about things that are not right in Pertamina," Moctar Lubis explained in Mochtar Lubis' book entitled Mochtar Lubis in the daily Indonesia Raya (1997).

Ibnu Sutowo's leadership often brings problems. Its habit of perpetuating a luxurious lifestyle is the most important. Pertamina under its power often acts wasteful. In fact, to celebrate Pertamina's Birthday, Ibnu Sutowo even held it abroad.

The extortion was also perpetuated by the habit of giving alms to Ibnu Sutowo. He considered this habit to be reasonable. Because, he came from the military. Soldiers are ready to help anyone, he said. He is able to spend alms up to 500 thousand US dollars per year for his personal interests.

After all, this action does not violate the rules. Moreover, if the alms issued from his pocket are private. In fact, the opposite is true. He often uses Pertamina's money to support his desire as a donor.

He was able to walk around giving alms and donating in all kinds of social foundations because of it. From the construction of mosques to army dormitories. It's not like you don't really mind that. However, all the people are furious when the alms given by Ibnu Sutowo are not only directed at those in need. Because, fifths' are also carried out targeting officials and politicians. Alias, those who in fact live well.

Alms are sometimes in the form of expensive gifts. Golf equipment is expensive, for example. The lifestyle actually backfired for Ibnu Sutowo. He received criticism from various parties. This criticism then made the New Order take a stand by removing Ibnu Sutowo from his position.

I can also trade in the tobacco sector. I also made my money, by establishing several pharmacies, textile factories, rubber plantations, and stocks in six or seven companies at that time. But all of that has nothing to do with Pertamina."

At that time I was a donor to donate all kinds of bodies. I am a soldier and I help anyone I can help. Through Pertamina at that time I contributed to the establishment of television stations, mosques, airports, hotels, and dormitories for soldiers in the city and in the village, "said Ibnu Sutowo as written by Ramadhan KH in the book Ibnu Sutowo: It's Time for Me to Tell the Story (2008).

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