
JAKARTA Memories of today, seven years ago, April 1, 2016, MD Entertainment appointed former President Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie as the voice actor for the animated series Adit Sopo Jarwo. Habibie's presence who played himself on episode 77: Grandmother Makes Me Agree Everyone agrees that it can bring inspiration to Indonesian children.

Previously, Habibie was a popular national figure in the eyes of Indonesian children. His work as an aerospace expert to lead Indonesia is fairly brilliant. Many children aspire to have brains like Habibie.

Habibie is a figure who cannot be underestimated in the history of the journey of the Indonesian nation. His work as an expert on aerospace is amazing. He has 46 patents, especially in the field of aeronautics.

This achievement made many of the world's aerospace industries attracted by Habibie's intelligence. Indonesia, one of them. President Suharto was not willing if Habibie, who incidentally owned by the nation's assets in a country other than Indonesia, was considered a big loss by Suharto.

The Smiling General immediately asked his staff to persuade Habibie who was working in Germany to return to Indonesia. Pucuk in love ulam arrived. Habibie did have a dream to contribute to the nation and state.

He is facing the career path offered by the New Order (Orba) government. From leading the Nusantara Aircraft Industry (later becoming PT. Dirgantara Indonesia) to becoming Minister of Research and Technology (Menristek).

Habibie was able to answer all the work with success. He then replaced Suharto as the new President of Indonesia. This narrative makes Habibie's name as an intelligent person throughout the country.

Habibie was able to inspire Indonesian children to have intelligent brains like himself. Joko Widodo, who later became the 7th President of Indonesia, also admired Habibie.

For Jokowi, there is no president who is smarter than Habibie. In his relatively short leadership, Habibie is a role model for millions of Indonesian children to become as smart as Habibie. After giving up all his position and political position, Habibie is one of the best national teachers who was born from Indonesian soil," said Darmawan Prasodjo in Jokowi's book Realizing Indonesian Dreams (2021).

The inspiration of Habibie's figure is timeless. Manoj Punjabi from MD Entertainment also agreed. Habibie, according to him, is a big and inspiring figure. He also offered Habibie to again inspire Indonesian children by being involved in an episode of the animation project, Aditya Sopo Jarwo.

Habibie welcomed this wish. Moreover, Habibie had the intention that all Indonesian children would dare to dream. Then, MD Entertainment officially presented Habibie as the voice actor for the animated series Adit Sopo Jarwo on April 1, 2016. Habibie also admitted that he had no trouble carrying out his new role.

"I'm not tense, it's normal, I'm 80 years old, I'm no longer tense, when I meet Ainun I'm just tense. I'm not learning. I'm normal, I'm 24 hours apart from sleeping, eating, reading books or writing, that's really the job," said BJ Habibie as quoted by the Dream page during a press conference at the MD Entertainment Kuningan office, South Jakarta, April 1, 2016.

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