
JAKARTA - Living as a wife of a soldier is not easy. Christian Herawati (Ani Yudhoyono) has felt it. Various trials of living in her marriage to Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) can be passed. From small salary matters to moving to conflict areas.

All of this was passed by Ani with joy until SBY became President of Indonesia. The sacrifice touched SBY. SBY also founded a volleyball club in memory of his wife: Ani Yudhoyono. LaVani, his name.

There is no role model who fills a large space in Ani's life other than her mother, Sunarti Sri Hadiyah. His mother's actions as Sarwo Edhie Wibowo's wife, a soldier, became a valuable provision. His mother's daily life takes care of the household is so inspiring Ani.

Ani Yudhoyono was taught by her mother to love the house. Her mother's message is very clear. No matter how high the women are, the house is something that must be touched. It can't be. Women must be reliable in household managerial matters.

The ability to manage money is considered the most important. Moreover, dedicating life as a soldier's wife is certainly in contact with mediocre life. This condition must be faced and do not complain much.

That rifle was later adopted by Ani when she married SBY in 1976. She understands the risk of life as a soldier's wife. She is always ready to accept her husband's strengths and weaknesses. Even she is ready to move at any time, when her husband moves to work.

All kinds of trials of life were lived by Ani Yudhoyono with joy. This piety paid off. SBY was able to climb the stairs of his career in the military until he became a general to a minister. In fact, then SBY was able to become Indonesia's number one person. Two periods too. The first period 2004-2009 and the second period 2009-2014.

When I navigated the ark of the household with SBY, I breathed the same air and art of life. I was dissolved in the journey of SBY's duties and practiced the mother's strength formula. I followed him wherever he was assigned. I taught myself not to complain too much. Because, every complaint I was a burden for SBY in carrying out his duties.

"The risk of becoming a soldier's wife is unquestionable. We have lived in Tangsi, had an emergency life in Bali, lived in Dili for a long time in an unsafe state, moved to America, and to other places. in many ways, naturally, the soldiers' wives have been educated not to sue, but adapt. Don't complain, but understand, don't give up, but strengthen themselves, "said Ani Yudhoyono in the book Ani Yudhoyono: 10 Years of Heart Journey (2018).

The loyalty of the two is eternal. Because, only death was able to separate SBY and Ani. SBY faithfully accompanied Ani until she died to pick her up on June 1, 2019. His beloved wife was due to her illness - a blood cancer - at the National University Hospital (NUH), Singapore.

SBY's life and family were furious. SBY lost a friend, motivator, and also his wife. SBY also gave a big space for his sadness. Then, he slowly bounced back.

He also admitted that Ani had great services in every journey of her life. SBY often praised him at every opportunity. At its peak, SBY wanted to give Ani Yudhoyono a big award. He founded a professional volleyball club. LaVani, his name.

LaVani was founded by SBY on December 1, 2019. The name was chosen by SBY as much as possible to remember and express his love for Ani: Love Ani or Ani's love. LaVani's presence also helped win the hearts of Indonesian volleyball lovers.

The club, which is still young and inhabited by national talent, can compete with big volleyball clubs, such as Jakarta Bhayangkara Presisi to Jakarta BNI 46. At its peak, LaVani was able to become the winner of back to backProliga in 2022 and 2023. An extraordinary achievement for LaVani.

On December 1, 2019, my friends and I founded a volleyball club which was later named LaVani. This name, which is pronounced Love Ani or Dear Ani is to remember and express eternal love to his beloved wife Ani Yudhoyono, who passed away to the grace of Allah on June 1, 2019.

The majority of LaVani athletes are currently high school students. They come from West Java, Central Java, Lampung, North Sumatra, West Sumatra, and Riau. Training and coaching are centered in Cikeas, Bogor, West Java. Hopefully LaVani can continue to develop and can strengthen our national volleyball sport," explained SBY in his Youtube channel when introducing the theme song LaVani Forever, June 21, 2020.

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