
JAKARTA - Simple, honest, and with integrity officials were once considered impossible in the New Order (Orba) era. Everything changed when Marie Muhammad served as Minister of Finance. He is an exception. There is no honesty and simplicity.

Suharto was attracted. Mar'ie was awarded the Mahaputera Star by the New Order. However, Mar'ie came to the State Palace with a simple appearance. Instead of appearing a parlette in a luxury car, he actually came in a Kijang butut car. It was also rejected to enter.

Corruption that mushroomed in the New Order era was not new. Those who perpetuate corruption are not just anyone. From lowly officials to high-ranking officials. The government has tried to eradicate corrupt practices. However, what power is not serious.

President Suharto did not run out of ideas. He also appealed to state officials not to be luxurious in public. The appeal was considered a passing wind by state officials. The association of state officials did that because President Suharto and other state officials were unable to set a good example.

As a result, public trust in the New Order government was at its lowest point, especially in the 1990s. The presence of an official who was simple and honest was even considered impossible. However, everything changed when Marie Muhammad was present as a state official.

Mar'ie is considered an exception. Mari'e's horn as an honest official was recorded when she served at the Directorate General of State Finance Supervision at the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia to serve as Director General at the Directorate General of Taxes.

Marie is known for being brave. There is nothing he is afraid of. Even he did not want to take things that were not his right. Moreover, he refused to use office facilities that were considered excessive. This attitude continued when he became Minister of Finance of Indonesia from 1993 to 1998.

He was able to clean up the Ministry of Finance from corrupt officials. People then nicknamed him Mr. Clean. A lasting nickname to commemorate Marie to this day.

Mar'ie's simplicity was seen when he was Director General of Taxes in 1988-1993. This position did not necessarily make him living a luxurious life. His car is still Peugeot out in 1982. The alumni of the UI Faculty of Economics, who is usually called the ustad, has a simple principle, as a servant from the community, is not polite if he asks to be served. Therefore, the man who was born in Surabaya on April 3, 1939 did not ask for various facilities. He prefers to show performance.

"In addition to being simple, Mar'ie is also known to adhere to principles. It doesn't matter if the president or employer, about the obligation to pay taxes, there are no exceptions. At least, as long as I am the Director General, said Mar'ie. Therefore, when Mar'ie was the Director General of Taxes, the tax acquisition exceeded the target. The tax collected reached Rp19 trillion. Even though the target was only Rp9 trillion, "said Yudi Latif in the book Mata Air Ketadanan: Pancasila in Action (2014).

Marie's leadership as Indonesian Finance Minister received praise from many parties. Marie fears nothing. He was able to reform the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) so it was clean. Thousands of Ministry of Finance officials who violated the rules were dealt with indiscriminately.

A series of achievements made President Suharto and the New Order attracted with him. As an appreciation, President Suharto also wanted to give the Mahaputera star Adipradana to him. The award was given at the State Palace on August 15, 1996.

Mar'ie, who is scheduled to receive the Mahaputera Star award, is happy, not playing. However, he came to the State Palace without using a ministerial-class facility. Marie's son said his father came just driving a Kijang butut car.

Security officers also had time to refuse the Kijang butut Mar'ie car to enter. It is possible that the security officer did not suspect that the Kijang driver was a minister. As a result, Marie opened the glass and introduced himself that he was one of the invited guests who would get the Mahaputera Star. Then, Marie was invited to enter.

"When he wanted to receive the Mahaputra Star award, at that time he took Kijang (to the State Palace), maybe Kijang, who used to be old, and was almost refused to enter the Palace. Because the car was too bad maybe."

Until finally the father opened the door, until he showed his face. I am Mar'ie Muhammad, I want to accept the award. Then the security guard said, oh yes, sir. So, he was almost rejected because of the bad skin from his car," said Mar'ie Muhammad's son, Rahmasari Muhammad in the documentary film Mar ie Muhammad, the Ministry of Finance's Youtube channel, September 16, 2018.

Marie Muhammad died at the age of 77 in Jakarta on Sunday 11 December 2016.

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