
JAKARTA - Soekarno has a Balinese mother. Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai, his name. This destiny made Bung Karno proud not to play. He considered himself an inseparable part of the island of Bali. Therefore, Bung Karno's political activities and his political parties received support from the whole of Bali.

Soekarno's son, Megawati Soekarnoputri, does not want to lose. He participated in the splash of blessings. The support of the Balinese people was fully inherited by Megawati and her party, the Indonesian Struggle Party of Struggle (PDIP), without exception.

The island of Bali has its own impression for Bung Karno. The origin of the mother's family is behind it. It is known that his mother, Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai, is a woman born in Bali from the highest caste, Brahmana. His mother was born from an honorable family. Moreover, Ida Ayu has the last uncle of Raja Singaraja (Buleleng).

As a result, Bung Karno admired all kinds of behavior in his family's life. This admiration came from the guts of his mother's family who dared to fight the Dutch all out. This spirit was summarized in the spirit of the Puputan War (war until the last drop of blood).

Every day the story was told by his mother to Bung Karno. Therefore, it was imprinted on a passion to immediately free the bumiputras from the shackles of Dutch colonialism. In fact, Soekarno's guts were not much different from his ancestors.

He grew up as a brave figure. He and other freedom fighters were able to bring Indonesia to independence on August 17, 1945. He was also transformed into the number one person in Indonesia. The position of Bali is also proud not to play.

As a form of gratitude, the President of Indonesia prioritizes the development of Bali as a world-class tourism site. He built all kinds of tourism supporting facilities and infrastructure. Hotel Bali Beach (now: Grand Inna Bali Beach Hotel), For example. Even then his figure became the pride of all Balinese citizens.

My grandfather and ancestors of the mother's side are dashing freedom fighters. Moyangku died in the Puputan War, an area on the north coast of Bali where the Kingdom of Singaraja is located and where fierce and historic fighting has raged against the invaders.

When my ancestors realized that everything had been lost and that their troops could not conquer the opponent, then he and the rest of the Balinese who dreamed of wearing all white clothes, from head to toe. They ride their horses, each in a keris, then storm the enemy," said Bung Karno as quoted by Cindy Adams in the book Bung Karno: Connecting the Indonesian People's Lidah (1965).

Soekarno's existence in Bali had faded after the September 30th Movement (G30S) in 1965. Moreover, the massacre of a series of sympathizers and people deemed part of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) took place in Bali.

The incident made Suharto replace Bung Karno's role as Indonesia's number one person. After that, the New Order (Orba) was born. Suharto made Bali his party mass base, the Golkar Party (Golkar). He tried to erase all of Bung Besar's influence on the ancestral land of the Soekarno village.

In fact, Balinese conscience could not be bought. Mainly, when the name of Bung Karno's second child, Megawati Soekarnoputri surfaced on the political stage in 1987. Megawati at that time became an icon of the resistance of the small people against Suharto and the New Order. Megawati's courage caused the spirit of the whole of Bali, which was already traumatized by Suharto's leadership, which perpetuated the massacre in Bali in 1965.

They consider Megawati to be part of Bali. Support also collapsed to Megawati and her party, PDIP. Since then Bali has become a strong base and a voter for his party. This support made Megawati able to advance further on the political stage. In fact, then able to become the First female President of Indonesia in history.

Megawati and PDIP's existence in Bali can also be seen from the successive PDIP victory from the 1999 elections until now. Therefore, people call Bali an inseparable part of Megawati and PDIP's political career journey. Bali's Alias are often seen as the Banteng pen (referring to the PDIP symbol).

PDIP comes with the slogan 'Child wong' who is always oppressed' when the New Order regime is in power. Balinese people are offended by the sentiment of the identity of Balinese blood on Soekarno who has the mother of a Balinese woman from Buleleng and of course Megawati is the PDIP icon. The PDIP posts are standing. The flag with a super large size is paraded and supplied (scallized) on the road, then installed to decorate every corner of the city.

Bali at that time was completely reddened ahead of the 1999 General Election. The results were astonishing. Golkar, which always dominated during the New Order, was slumped by the PDIP whitenose party in Bali and nationally. However, in 2004, even though PDIP still dominated Bali, overall Golkar won nationally, said I Ngurah Suryawan in the book Mencari Bali, which lost (2008).

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