
JAKARTA History today, 72 years ago, January 2, 1950, the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW was held for the first time at the State Palace. President Soekarno was behind it. The celebration took place with great fanfare. Moreover, the Minister of Religion and the famous cleric Wahid Hasyim also gave his lecture.

Previously, the closeness of Soekarno and Islam began with a pindok'' at the house of the figure of Sarekat Islam, Haji Omar Said (HOS) Tjokroaminoto. He then found Islam in discussions and read Islamic books.

Soekarno acknowledged that his parents' ability to introduce Islam was quite limited. This reason made Bung Karno not know Islam well since childhood. Bung Karno had no problem with that. He understands the capacity of the person.

However, everything changed when Bung Karno started boarding at Tjokroaminoto's house. The figure of Sarikat Islam was able to share his knowledge well about Islam and communism. He did not waste his closeness to Tjokro.

He was also often invited by Tjokro to find out more about Islam through events held by Muhammadiyah in Surabaya. Soekarno, who is a student at Hoogere Burgerschool (HBS) Surabaya, enjoyed the moment.

After all, there were frequent discussions that made Bung Karno's understanding of Islam increase. After that, Soekarno began to deepen Islam in every struggle to achieve independence.

Soekarno reads many books related to Islamic figures, in prison and exile. As a result, his Islamic thoughts can move the bumiputras to escape the shackles of colonialism.

In the Paneleh 7 alley, number 3, Mr. Tjokroaminoto's boarding house, long ago Soekarno was introduced to nationalist politics inspired by Islam. Tjokroaminoto is one of the founders of the Islamic Union, and has become a charismatic leader and there is no doubt that the Muslim people's party has a very large number of supporters, namely almost two also souls," said historian Bob Hering in the book Soekarno, the Architect of the Nation (2012).

For him, Islam is a tool of struggle. However, Islamic flames do not always have to be echoed when they want to achieve independence alone. Islam's arrogance must be celebrated anytime and anywhere. Soekarno also gave an example when Indonesia was plenaryly sovereign.

He, who had just arrived from Yogyakarta, immediately initiated the Prophet Muhammad SAW's birthday at the State Palace. The celebration became the first birthday to be held at the Presidential Palace by inviting representatives from neighboring countries. The event was held on January 2, 1950.

Soekarno wants many people to know that the spirit of the Prophet Muhammad to spread Islam is used as an example to liberate Indonesia. Not only Soekarno, Minister of Religion, Wahid Hasyim also gave his lecture regarding the figure of the Prophet Muhammad. The father of Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) also conveyed the case of the Prophet Muhammad and the brotherhood of men.

Monday night, January 2, 1950 at the Gambir Palace (State Palace) will be held to commemorate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad. This is the first time in Indonesian history and is Bung Karno's own wish. The celebration was lively, "explained Syamsu Hadi in the book Fatmawati Soekarno, First Lady (2008).

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