
JAKARTA History today, 57 years ago, December 6, 1965, President Soekarno revealed that he would dissolve the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) if it was proven to divide Indonesia. He revealed this statement at the Opening of the 10th Provisional People's Consultative Assembly (MPRS) at the State Palace.

Previously, students had urged Soekarno to dissolve the PKI. They consider the PKI to be the actor responsible for the September 30th Movement (G30S) incident. Moreover, Bung Karno seemed to protect the actions of the PKI.

The G30S incident is an important event in the long history of Indonesia. The G30S brought very deep wounds to the Indonesian people. All because of the atrocities of the kidnapping and murder agenda of a series of TNI Army (AD) generals.

The PKI was considered the main mastermind of the events in 1965. The people were furious. Students especially. They want President Soekarno to immediately take action to disperse the PKI. The option of taking to the streets was carried out to demand that the PKI be dissolved and its figures were immediately lowered from the government.

Bung Karno's attitude is the opposite. The demands of students were never taken seriously. Even Bung Karno's actions often show he is too soft when related to the PKI. In fact, Bung Karno is the supreme leader of the Indonesian nation.

However, the disbandment of the PKI has not been carried out. Students who were furious perpetuated a closed demonstration. The goal is to ask the government to immediately take a stand by adding various other demands for the welfare of the Indonesian people.

The incident of the betrayal of the G30S PKI made Indonesia's political temperature soar very hot. The people who used to sleep well and had been built by Bung Karno and his friends the leaders of the movement and invited together to expel the invaders, and then educated and guided to feel that they are the people and an honorable nation, are now well aware of their position, aware of their rights and obligations.

The people demanded that the PKI, which had betrayed him, be disbanded and the handling of politics and the economy was reorganized. Those were very tough days for Bung Karno. Really blackmailed all his energy, passion, and innerness, "said Bung Karno's aide, Bambang Widjanarko in the book Sewindu Dekat Bung Karno (2010).

Demo mahasiswa yang berjiid-jiid akhirnya merebut perhatian Bung Karno. Ia mulai menyadari situasi tidak normal jika terus menghindari tuntutan rakyat. Ia pun mencari momentum yang tepat. Momentum itu adalah Sidang Pembukaan Pimpinan MPRS ke-10 di Istana Negara pada 6 Desember 1965.

Bung Karno on that occasion promised to dissolve all political organizations or political parties that were proven to divide Indonesia. Mainly the PKI. He promised to dissolve the PKI, as long as the party is proven in dividing the archipelago.

"Well, that's what I see in Indonesia, brothers and sisters, after September 30. We beat each other, burned each other's spirits, until I threatened at that time in Bogor, the Cabinet Plenary Session, Hayo, if there was a group that burned the spirit, I was the Great Leader of the Revolution, as what, as the Leader of the Indonesian People, the leader of the Indonesian nation, who felt responsible for the unity of the Indonesian nation, the group that burned the spirit I would disperse.

"PNI, if you burn the spirit, I disperse! Partindo, if you burn the spirit, that is to invite action, I disperse! PKI especially, if for example burning enthusiasm, I disperse! IPKI, I disperse! PNI I am disbanding! IPKI, I disperse! All the parties that invite gontok-gontok,against homeland brothers and sisters, between our nation and our nation, I disperse, "said Soekarno in his mandate as compiled by Budi Setiyono and triyana in the book Revolution Not After (2014).

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