
JAKARTA - Today's memory, 20 years ago, December 5, 2002, a terrorist group launched a bombing in two places in Makassar. The locations targeted were a fast food restaurant, McDonald's Mall Ratu Indah and a car showroom, NV Haji Kalla. As a result of the incident three people died and 11 people were injured.

All Indonesian people are grieving. Moreover, a few months earlier, Indonesia had been the target of the bombing in the Bali Bombing I. President Megawati was furious. He immediately asked the National Police Chief to investigate the bombing.

The reign of President Megawati Soekarnoputri is full of tests. The bombing incident by a group of terrorists, especially. The act of terror was endless in the archipelago. In fact, the island of Bali, known as the Land of the Gods, has not escaped to be the target of terrorist acts.

The terror was launched on October 12, 2002. They made Sari Club, Paddy's Pub, and near the office of the United States Consulate as the main location of the bombing. The perpetrators knew for sure Bali would never be quiet. Therefore, the bomb that exploded made the victims fall.

Hundreds of lives died. Many Indonesians and Australian citizens were victims. The bombing incident brought deep sorrow to the whole world. President Megawati, let alone. The number one Indonesian person immediately flew to Bali on the same day to express grief.

He was also unable to contain sadness at the atrocities committed by a group of terrorists. One day later, or October 13, 2002, Megawati perpetuated the plenary cabinet session. The investigation of terrorist groups is the main goal. he asked for responsibility and gave directions from the National Police Chief to immediately investigate and resolve it.

President Megawati Soekarnoputri's move on the same day Sunday, October 12, 2002, immediately reviewed the location to see the victims and the damage caused, as well as providing instructions and directions to all parties, especially the National Police and the Bali Regional Government. After conducting the review, the President ordered a plenary cabinet session on Monday, October 13, 2002, at the Presidential Office in Jakarta.

In the cabinet meeting, I as the National Police Chief was asked to explain the incident along with the steps taken and to be carried out. The impression that was arrested from the participants of the cabinet meeting, regretted the incident, was that there was even a risk that must be borne by the security person, namely the National Police Chief, to be removed, "said General Dai Bachtiar in the book The Brave Lady (2019).

Instead of easing, bomb terror continues to occur. Makassar became the area targeted by terrorist groups. The bombing was carried out in two places on December 5, 2002. The terrorist group targeted the McDonald's restaurant located at Ratu Indah Mall and the NV Haji Kalla car showroom.

The explosion killed three people. The rest, 11 people were injured. As a result of the explosion, panic hit the whole of Makassar. President Megawati immediately instructed the perpetrators to be arrested immediately.

The bomb exploded at the McDonald's restaurant at Ratu Indah Mall at around 18:00 WITA. The explosion came from a homemade bomb wrapped in a steel plate container that exploded as dozens of visitors attended the place to break the fast and dinner. The explosion killed three people and injured 11 people.

The authorities named six suspects in the explosion of the McDonald's fast food restaurant as well as the explosion of the NV Haji Kalla show room on the evening of December 8, 2002. They are Azhar Daeng Salam -- the suspect who died at the scene - Mukhtar Daeng Lau, Masnur, Agung Hamid, Usman, and Ilham. The last three names are still being hunted, "said Sinaga Obsatar, Prayitno Ramelan, and Ian Montratama in the book Terrorist Kanan Indonesia (2018).

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