
JAKARTA - Deng Xiaoping's leadership is full of controversy. The Chinese leader often issued bold policies. His teachings perpetuate economic reform and market liberation to become the estuary. Everything is for the welfare of the Chinese people.

Realita on the field is different. The people of China have fallen into poverty a lot. The people also fought back. The mass demonstration Gelora is present. The government does not want to lose by mobilizing the military to reduce it. Therefore, the Tiananmen Tragedy occurred.

Optimism accompanies the policy of reform and market liberation in the style of Deng Xiaoping in the 1980s. He believes his teachings can bring good news for the survival of all Chinese people. The presence of private companies and foreign investment rooms is open as wide as possible.

The results had brought fresh air. Production growth in the industrial and agricultural sectors increased sharply. However, that success had to be paid expensively. The life rate of the Chinese people has not experienced a significant increase. Moreover, inflation has limited people's purchasing power. Most Chinese people are starting to fall into poverty.

This condition does not apply to the political elite. Instead, they took advantage of the momentum to commit massive corruption. Their lifestyle did not show empathy for the condition of the people. All Chinese people are hot. Students let alone. The demonstration has started since June 1989.

Increasingly, those who rallie are increasing in Tiananmen Square. In fact, up to one million people. The issue that was brought began to widen. Instead of just voicing dissatisfaction, protesters actually demanded that the Chinese government change its ideology.

Deng was furious. His reputation as a Chinese leader in the international world was disrupted. He immediately took the policy of using the military to disperse the masses on June 3 and 4, 1989. As a result, many protesters died.

However, Tiananmen is currently synonymous with the bloody events that occurred in June 1989, when students demonstrated to voice their opinions peacefully. The deployment of soldiers to dispel and incite this peaceful demonstration tarnished the reputation of Deng Xiaoping and the Chinese Communist Party on the international political scene. Until now, the number of people who died in that incident is still confusing.

Some believe that thousands of people lost their lives in the hands of the military that day. It was also unclear who gave the order to host the demonstration, but the two most blamed people were Li Peng, who was then prime minister, and of course Deng Xioping, the supreme leader, "said Michael Wicaksono in the book Chinese People's Republic: From Mao Zedong to Xi Jinping (2017).

The demonstration that led to the massacre was not easily forgotten in public memory. Especially in the early years. The Tiananmen incident was considered a big ulcer by the Chinese government. Mainly, as a portrait of the state killing' its own people.

However, it is not only the people who are wary of being repressed when commemorating the Tiananmen Tragedy. The Chinese government itself is also vigilant. They are often haunted by fear when the Tiananmen warning can bring the spirit of resistance to the Chinese government.

The owner of power actsntarously. On the fiveth anniversary of the Tiananmen Tragedy, for example. They prohibit all kinds of news and shows related to the Tiananmen incident. The government does not want the Tiananmen incident to be considered a symbol of the oppression of people's aspirations from freedom and democracy.

The security forces tightened security around Tiananmen on the days around June 4. Over the past five years, since the massacre of student and youth demonstrations in Tiananmen 1989, the Chinese government has always been tense in the face of the harbaling of the event. It's just that for this year the deployment of more security forces than ever before, as well as guarding the area around campuses in Beijing. International hotels that have parabolas are required to unplug their antenna cables.

"So that hotel residents do not watch American television broadcasts -- especially CNN -- which broadcast scenes of armed soldiers raiding demonstrators in 1989. To avoid mass mobilization, the police canceled all party events or social activities that fell on June 4. And Beijing residents were forbidden to be in contact with foreigners. The government has become very tense because the leaders of the Chinese Communist Party (PKC) have been burned by rumors that this year there will be a warning, in the form of a big procession, for the atrocities incident in Tiananmen five years ago, "concluded Muhamad Cholid in his writing in Tempo Magazine entitled Those Feelinghaded (1994).

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