
JAKARTA History today, 309 years ago, 17 November 1713, the Governor General of the VOC, Abraham van Riebeeck passed away. The news of his death brought deep sorrow to the residents of Batavia. The funeral was luxurious.

Previously, Riebeeck was known as the Governor-General who liked fun. He himself is known as one of the VOC leaders who perpetuates corruption. In fact, in his time of corruption was so blind. This habit could not be erased until the VOC went bankrupt.

Sometimes people don't have to struggle to become the number one person in the Dutch trading airline VOC. Abraham van Riebeeck for example. He became one of the Dutch who won the post of Governor General of the VOC easily.

For him having a father named Jan van Riebeck is certainly more than enough. His father was quite famous for the VOC. Jan van Riebeeck is the founder of the Dutch colony in Cape Town, South Africa. This status made Riebeeck walk around getting the best education and immediately become an important person.

In Batavia, let alone. Riebeeck does not need to work hard to pursue his position. Because, the position is like visiting him himself. He later served as a member of the Indian Council. He also married his daughter to Governor General Joan van Hoorn, his predecessor.

The political marriage effort made him walk as Governor General replacing his son-in-law who resigned in 1709. He also continued the City Hall construction project (now: Jakarta History Museum) until it was completed. The project is classified as ambiguous for trying to imitate the shape of the Dam Palace in Amsterdam.

This busy city hall provides a place for many committees and councils. On the lower floors are the office of the welfare committee for orphans, civil records, inheritance affairs and guards. The most important offices in the building are the City Council (College van Schepenen) and the Court Council (Raad van Justitie).

The two bodies should uphold justice in accordance with Iustitia's patun above the main entrance. However, injustice is often won in this building. Because, at that time everyone was not considered to be of the same position before the law," said historian Adolf Heuken, in the book Historical Places in Jakarta (2007).

Political marriage is in fact a way for VOC employees to massive corruption. Moreover, during the reign of Abraham van Riebeeck, the number of corruption among VOC employees increased sharply. There is no justice for that. Moreover, Riebeeck himself did it.

Riebeeck's celebration finally receded. He, who was serving as Governor General of the VOC, was exposed to a tropical disease. He had a high fever and a decentrioral. After several days of being treated, Riebeeck died on November 17, 1713. His funeral was luxurious. After that, he left a sacred legacy. The legacy was a corrupt VOC.

Two Governor Generals after Abraham van Riebeeck tried hard to remove the illicit trade carried out by VOC officials themselves using compensing facilities. Symptoms of abuse of authority and use of VOC facilities for personal purposes and enriching themselves have been seen, especially after nepotism broke out among the colonial bureaucracy," said Mona Lohanda in the book History of the Larger Regulates Batavia (2007).

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