
JAKARTA - The government of President Soekarno has been abused by all Indonesian people. Indonesia's chaotic economy is the reason. This situation forced the owner to be able to increase all kinds of prices. From transportation costs to basic commodities.

People's anger peaked. Class 66 students especially. They inflamed the action of the People's Tri Claims (Tritura). Lower prices, dissolve the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI), and robbak the cabinet. The action was the first way that President Soekarno stepped down.

Dissatisfaction with the Soekarno government and the Old Order has surfaced everywhere. The narrative of the government who only thinks about the beacon project, without caring about the fate of the life of the Indonesian people is the estuary. The absence of breakthroughs in the economic field made inflation exorbitant. It even reaches more than 1,000 percent.

Economic recession also haunts. As in the past since the Dutch era, there is a recession, the people become victims. Daily life becomes so difficult. People are difficult not to play. The value of rupiah is free. The impact of the prices of all kinds of needs is starting to exceed. From the cost of mass transportation to basic commodities.

Previously, the Indonesian people were able to meet all basic daily needs easily. Everything changed because of the economic recession. The purchasing power of the Indonesian people decreased. Starry narratives also emerged. After all, to get the goods that people want, they must be willing to queue for a long time. Because, the number of foodstuffs is quite limited.

Even if there is a price that is set at the exorbitant level. Student activist in the class of 66, Soe Hok Gie also felt it. The government's inability, he said, angered all students. Discussions related to the presence of a massive student demonstration also surfaced.

When I arrived in the Senate room there was a restless atmosphere. Some groups of students were engrossed in talking seriously - but hot - about the increase in bus prices of Rp. 200 to Rp. 1,000. The atmosphere seemed like it had been around for a long time, so it didn't come as a surprise to me. A few days ago Ismid came to my house and he told me about the anxiety that occurred in the world of students."

Especially the last talks about the situation of US (Indonesian Student Action Unit). According to Ismid, students can no longer stand to live because the prices that soared as high as the sky. And they interpret that the politics of rising prices from the Government now is an effort from a temporary time when the Minister is to divert people's attention from the focus of accepting Gestapu/PKI to being a matter of rising prices to an economic issue," said Soe Hok Gie in the book Note of A Demonstran (2011).

The suffering of all Indonesian people is getting worse day by day. This condition got worse when Soekarno's ministers were not sensitive to the people's underlying conditions. They are seen as often showing the life of the spree in the midst of the Indonesian people who are in trouble.

Caki-maki is clearly not enough to make the government aware. All students in the capital city were furious. They are ready to hold demonstrations. Various demonstrations are planned. From a long march action to the distancing of official cars.

Various demands have been prepared. All students also tried to close the demands to the three demands. His name Tritura. First, disband the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI). Second, a cabinet fire. Third, lower the price. Tritura's action began completely on January 10, 1966.

In fact, the action received broad support. Many military officials supported Tritura's actions. Generals Suharto and Sarwo Edhie Wibowo, for example. Tritura's actions also made President Soekarno furious. In fact, because of Tritura's existence as Indonesia's number one person, he stepped down.

The student demonstration took to the streets on a large scale starting on January 10, 1966. On that day students gathered at the courtyard of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (FKUI). Then Colonel Sarwo Edhie Wibowo, Commander of the RPKAD, was accompanied by Major CI Santoso, one of the commanders of his battalion who was famous for the crackdown on the G30S. that day students made demands known as Tritura.

The three demands are: disband the PKI, lower the prices, and stop the Dwikora Cabinet. In his speech in front of the students, Sarwo Edhie Wibowo provided his support for the struggles made by students. Then a group of students went out to the streets to the State Secretary Building to convey the demands by demonstration, explained the class 66 FKUI student, Firman Lubis in the book Jakarta 1950-1970(2018).

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