
JAKARTA - History today, 56 years ago, August 11, 1966, Indonesia agreed to reconcile with Malaysia. The event was marked by the signing of a reconciliation document between the Acting President of Indonesia, Suharto and the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Abdul Razak.

Previously, Indonesia and Malaysia had been enemies. All because Soekarno echoed the call for confrontation 'Destroy Malaysia'. He considered the formation of the Federation of Malaysia as a project of British Neocolonialism.

British colonization in Malaya (Malaysia) has a long history. The United Kingdom has colonized Malaysia since the mid-18th century. However, the occupation ended on February 8, 1956. Britain granted independence to Malaysia.

In fact, England didn't just walk away. Like a puppet owner, the British planned the formation of the Federation of Malaysia which incorporated the Malay land alliances: Singapore, Sarawak, Brunei. The agenda was also opposed by Sukarno. He considered the formation to be English common sense. Colonialism project, he said.

President Soeharto when receiving the visit of the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Abdul Razak at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta on May 5, 1972. (Perpusnas)

Soekarno was worried that the Malaya region would become a Western military base in Southeast Asia. The base is feared to disrupt stability in the Southeast Asian region. Whenever there was an opportunity Soekarno began to burn the spirit of the people to fight with the government against the British puppets. The 'Destroy Malaysia' movement was launched. Indonesia's steps in opposing were also followed by other countries. Philippines, for example.

“Indonesia's relations with Western countries after 1963 continued to deteriorate, especially because of the Malaysian-born who Soekarno suspected of being a 'puppet of Nekolim' to fight Indonesia. Sukarno also launched a policy of confrontation to destroy Malaysia. To support and implement his policies, he formed KOGAM, Komando Ganyang Malaysia, which he chaired himself.”

“He has ignited the theme of "Destroy Malaysia" in every Indonesian people's heart from Sabang to Merauke. In fact, when his power continued to be stripped away by the Army after the G30S/PKI, Soekarno's obsession with destroying Malaysia remained passionate. Almost never in his speech did Soekarno mention his confrontational politics with the aim of burning the spirit and asking the Indonesian people for support,” said Tjipta Lesmana in the book From Soekarno to SBY (2009).

Relations between Indonesia and Malaysia began to normalize in 1966. The period when Soekarno's power began to weaken. Acting President Suharto also led efforts to reconcile Indonesia and Malaysia.

Demonstrations Destroy Malaysia in Jakarta. (Wikimedia Commons)

At its peak, Suharto met with Tun Abdul Razak in Bangkok on August 11, 1966. The meeting marked the return of good relations between Malaysia and Indonesia. It is also the end of the confrontation narrative: Destroy Malaysia.

“In April and May began an effort to improve relations with Malaysia. In Bangkok, then an agreement was made between Adam Malik and Tun Abdul Razak. What Suharto didn't think about was that this incident led to sharp criticism at home, especially from Soekarno who continued to voice his anti-nekolim aggressively.”

"Fearing that his policies will be used to attack his position, Suharto decided to postpone the implementation of the agreement until it was finally implemented on August 11," explained A. Yogaswara in the book Biography of Suharto (2007).

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