JAKARTA – In memory of today, 25 years ago, July 5, 2019, President Jokowi made a working visit to the tourist area of Bunaken National Park, Manado, North Sulawesi. The visit was carried out in order to ensure the development of tourism infrastructure in Bunaken.
He wants Bunaken to be more organized and integrated. All because of Indonesia's big dream to bring in more tourists, especially foreign tourists. Moreover, the underwater tourist attraction of Bunaken is considered to be able to provide benefits for local residents.
Bunaken National Park is often a special place for tourists, both domestic and foreign. The beauty of the underwater panorama is so original. Especially after President Soeharto inaugurated Bunaken as a national park on December 24, 1992 in Bongohulawa.
Since then, Bunaken National Park is expected to have a variety of functions. Bunaken can provide protection as a life support system, both plant and animal diversity. Bunaken is also predicted as a location that can be utilized for its natural resources.

President Jokowi is aware of this. When he had the opportunity to visit North Sulawesi, he did not waste the opportunity to go to Bunaken. He visited Bunaken on July 5, 2019. President Jokowi was not alone, he was accompanied by his wife, Ibu Iriana and the ministers.
From the Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Darmin Nasution to the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing, Basuki Hadimuljono. Arriving at the Bunaken pier, President Jokowi immediately gave a message. Jokowi invites all elements of society to jointly protect Bunaken National Park. So that it is clean and protected from plastic waste.
“Bunaken has very good potential, but it must be taken care of so that plastic waste does not enter here. There used to be a lot of plastic waste here, now it doesn't exist, because it is routine from the local government to always clean up plastic waste," said Jokowi as broadcast by the Indonesian Ministry of State Secretariat on Youtube.
President Jokowi and his entourage then changed ships. They use a special boat equipped with a bottom room that can see firsthand the beauty of the exotic fish and coral reefs typical of Bunaken.
He also praised the underwater beauty of Bunaken. According to him, the Bunaken area is one of the tourism magnets for North Sulawesi Province. Jokowi gave full support to the local government. This support is nothing but to increase Bunaken's tourism development.

Bunaken National Park tourism can really have an impact on the local community. Another language, so that tourism can make people empowered. The local economy is improving. Likewise, tourism management has also increased.
The government's concern for tourism is not only limited to Bunaken. Other provinces also continue to be encouraged by the government to develop. Because, if Indonesia's tourism potential is developed, the benefits are second to none. tourism development in Labuan Bajo, for example.
“This means that the budget that we use must have an impact on economic growth for the community. We start there. So the infrastructure really has an impact on investment and the impact on the community," added President Jokowi.
President Jokowi's visit to Bunaken National Park on July 5, 2019 is a record for today's memory.
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