JAKARTA - Taufik Hidayat is a sportsman who is second to none. Indonesia's favorite badminton player has almost won all world titles. Even his prowess was able to bring him to become a gold medalist at the Olympics in Athens in 2004. However, Taufik's achievements were considered to have decreased in the following year. Taufik has run out.
In fact, Taufik continues to provide evidence. He was able to come out as a champion in the first Indonesia Masters badminton tournament, which was still named Indonesia Open Grand Prix Gold.
It is difficult to remove the big name Taufik Hidayat from the world map of Indonesian badminton. His figure became the dream of a wide audience. In fact, his work in the world of badminton received a fairly lively reception. Many people then aspire to be like Taufik Hidayat. They want to be able to make the nation proud through badminton.
Everything that was done by Taufik was full of processes and not easy. His father, always galvanize Taufik's spirit to practice since childhood. Education that prioritizes high discipline makes Taufik thrive. The graphics are improving. Therefore, Taufik has grown to become Indonesia's leading badminton player.

Day by day, Taufik's spirit continues to grow. The target is getting higher. He wants to be the champion of world badminton. Athens Olympic gold in 2004 became the main target. This high target made Taufik train to keep himself motivated. The long awaited day has arrived. Taufik had the opportunity to represent Indonesia in the men's singles badminton at the Olympics.
The urge to make the nation and state proud was able to burn Taufik's courage to fight. His hard work paid off. Taufik Hidayat appears as the Champion. Therefore, Taufik Hidayat has become the continuation of the Olympic gold tradition for Indonesia.
"Indonesia's triumph in the Olympics was started by Susy Susanti and Alan Budikusuma who presented a pair of gold medals at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics. Four years later, Ricky Achmad Soebagdja/Rexy Mainaky maintained this great tradition by winning gold at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics."
“The men's doubles pair, Candra Wijaya/Tony Gunawan also did not want to lose. This team was able to bring gold to Indonesia at the 2000 Sydney Olympics. The flamboyant player, Taufik Hidayat, added to the length of Indonesia's success streak by winning a gold medal at the 2004 Athens Olympics," said Justian Suhandinata and Broto Happy Wondomisnowo in the book Tangkas: 67 Years of Committed to Creating Feather Champion Badminton (2018).

The audience considers Taufik Hidayat's fighting spirit to be declining. Moreover, after winning the Olympic gold medal, Taufik did not get much color with victory. However, Taufik actually silenced the criticism.
Taufik reappeared as a champion by becoming the winner in the final duel of the Bank Kaltim Indonesia Open Grandprix Gold Badminton Championship (Now: Indonesia Masters), which was held for the first time in 2010.
He won in the final against fellow Indonesian badminton player, Dionysius Hayom Rumbaka at the Palaran Badminton Gymnasium, Samarinda, East Kalimantan on Sunday, October 17 2010. Taufik Hidayat won the final match with three games 26-28, 21-17, and 21-14.
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