JAKARTA - History today, 62 years ago, April 2, 1960, President Soekarno made a pilgrimage to the grave of the famous Sufi cleric, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jaelani. The visit was carried out by Soekarno during his political visit to Iraq. Previously, Bung Karno had perpetuated the activity of making pilgrimages to the tombs of other world Islamic figures. He really respects the charisma and thoughts of Islamic figures and scholars. All of this was done by Soekarno as a form of his emotional closeness to Islam.
Soekarno liked to make pilgrimages to the graves of world figures, especially famous Islamic figures and scholars. The agenda is often done on the sidelines of his political visits. It is said that the agenda of making pilgrimages to world leaders is an important condition for countries waiting for Soekarno's arrival. Bung Karno's visit to Damascus, Syria in 1957, for example.
The visit he was greeted with boisterous joy by the President of Syria who served twice (1943-1949 and 1955-1958), Shukri al-Quwatli. The owner of that power did not forget to invite Bung Karno around his country. Most importantly, he invited Bung Karno to visit the tomb of the Islamic fighter in the Crusade, Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi.

Soekarno was happy not playing. He is one of those who idolize Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi or who is often pronounced by western tongues as Saladin. According to him Saladin is a great figure. He is known as the founder of the Ayyubid dynasty whose power was so wide. These include Egypt, Syria, Mecca, Medina, parts of Yemen, Iraq, to Palestine.
His sense of pride also increased when he was at Saladin's tomb. Bung Karno then recounted his pilgrimage to Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi's grave to all Indonesian people who attended the Commemoration of the Prophet Muhammad's Birthday at the Bung Karno Main Stadium, August 6, 1963.
"In the afternoon President Quwatli brought me to the grave of Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi, and there I read Al-Fatihah three times so that, first, I myself would receive forgiveness from Allah SWT. So that Allah SWT gives the best place to Salahuddin," said Bung Karno.
Bung Karno also made a pilgrimage to the grave of an Islamic cleric when he visited Iraq in 1960. On the sidelines of his state visit, Bung Besar took time to visit the grave of the famous Sufi cleric Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jaelani on April 3, 1960. Soekarno was amazed by Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jaelani . The thoughts of these Sufi scholars influenced his views on knowing Islam.

Therefore, the visit to Iraq became one of the most memorable foreign visits for Bung Karno. He also understands that Iraq is a country with an extraordinary civilization and is centered in Mesopotamia. As a thank you, Bung Karno participated in sowing the seeds of a type of gold fish into the Tigris River. The fish, which was later favored by the Iraqi people, was forever known as the Soekarno Fish.
"In Iraq there is Soekarno's carp, where a restaurant in Baghdad that displays carp is called Soekarno's fish," concluded the Secretary General of the PDI-P DPP, Hasto Kristiyanto as quoted by Republika.
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